Chapter 4 ~ Niall

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Chapter 4 ~ Niall

"Niall! Stop eating! Harry might want some when he comes out," Liam said to me.

"If he doesn't come out in five minutes, he won't get any," I replied to him, licking my lips and fingers. The lads were looking at me for some reason. "What? Have I got something on my face?" I asked frantically.

"No, just why five minutes? Why not ten?" Zayn asked.

"Because otherwise it'll be cold!" I said desperately.

"Well then, looks like you won't have to eat my share of the food," Harry said, walking in with a young boy not much younger then Harry. Must be the new brother, I thought. Sort of looks like the photos of Dad.

"Finally! Snacks!" Louis yelled, his mouth nearly watering.

"Louis! Calm down," Liam nearly yelled at him. "Hi there. What's your name?" Liam asked the boy.

"My name is Spencer. You're Liam, right?" the boy said uncertainly.

"Yeah. Your sister a fan?" Liam asked.

"Yeah. Not so much now as she was when you first came out," the boy said.

"Hmm. Where is she?" Liam asked, looking around for the girl.

"Getting changed," Harry said hesitantly, looking at the boy awkwardly.

"Did something happen between you and her?" I asked. Harry looked at me shocked.

"I am surprised you would say that, Niall!" Harry said dramatically. Drama queen, I thought.

"Woah! Drama queen, much," a giggling female voice said, voicing my thoughts. I look around and Liam, Zayn and Louis were looking at the door. I turned to face the door and standing there was a young girl only a bit younger than me.

She was wearing a plain t-shirt and jeans. She looked like a typical everyday teenager. Ordinary, except for her scars on her face and neck. She was beautiful, just plain perfect. My kind of girl.

"What are you gawping at? Here are your chips," she said, chucking a packet of chips on the floor.

"CHIPS!!" Louis yelled, running over to the chips and picking them up. "My Precious," he whispered to the packet.

"Don't worry about him," Zayn said to the girl. "He's just... plain crazy."

"Yeah. I umm... got that," the girl said. "My friend got me into you guys. She basically made me watch your video diaries."

"Yeah. I remember those. That was back when Louis was not so crazy." She started giggling a little bit but she stopped just before she could really start laughing. It was like it hurt her. What happened to these two?

"What's your name, by the way?" Liam asked her.

"Gabby. I'm just... going to... um... go," she said rather hesitantly. She turned around and walked towards the door. Immediately, Liam jumped up, grabbed her elbow and spun her around, which meant she had to fall into his arms. I wished that was me doing that, just holding her but I hope I didn't show I cared because I could see the look on Spencer's face which said 'That's my sister there' and Harry was looking at Liam with... jealousy?

"Ha ha hmm," I chuckled to myself. So he likes her too. Can't compete with that.

"No, na-na-na-na-no," Liam said quickly, with her still in his arms. I suddenly realised I cared a lot about that he was holding her. "You are staying here," he said letting go of her. Relief spread all over me.

"Six guys and girl. Great odds, aren't they?" she said going to stand next to her brother. He wrapped his arms around her softly, as if he wasn't trying to hurt her. "And I will ask again, what are you guys gawping at?"

"Nothing," I said ever so innocently. She looked at me as if she just noticed I was here. There was a seriousness in her eyes.

"Don't play innocent with me, mate. I do not like it and I will kick your ass," Gabby said to me.

Louis jumped out of his spot and ran over to them. "Sounds," he yelled, "like somebody needs a big...!" He started tickling her and she cried out in pain. Pain not joy. "Tickle," Louis said softly.

"Okay, Gab. Just breathe, okay? Breathe. In. Out. In. Out," Spencer said gently, soothing her. What is wrong with her?


Spencer's view next. I hope you liked this. If you like 1D fan fictions, there is a girl who writes really good ones. Her name is Bel Watson (on here @BelWatson) and her 1st one is Backfire then 2nd Misconceptions, 3rd Music Sheet, 4th Bitter and Sassy and 5th Masquerade. Really good books and a really great writer.

Gabby xx

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