Chapter 19 ~ Spencer

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Chapter 19 ~ Spencer

"So..." Gab dragged as we sat in the back. "Where are we going?" she asked desperately.

"It's a surprise," Louis answered cryptically, making her groan loudly in exasperation.

"As much as I love surprises, I'm hating this one," she grumbled, folding her arms. I chuckled at her and the two in the front joined me. "I don't know why I chose this car!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands up.

"Because you love us!" Harry exclaimed back, turning to face her.

"Because Louis drives as slow as anything," she retorted. "I feel safer," she added quietly so only I could hear.

"I know," I said, answering her last comment. She smiled gratefully at me in return but returned to the window, looking at the scenery blurring past.

"I need a little break. Where is there a toilet?" Louis asked casually while I held back a laugh.

"Um... You might have to go behind a tree," I joked, looking out the window to see where we are. He looked shocked and appalled at my words and I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm totally kidding. There is one up further," I pointed at the sign.

"Oh good! I'm desperate!" he moaned. Gab snorted at him, finding it highly amusing. It was.

"Just stop here now," she said monotonously. He obeyed her and she unbuckled her seatbelt. She opened the door to the road and stretched slightly before freezing. I don't know what happened. The cars that contained the others stopped behind us and Natasha got out, followed by Steph. I opened my door and walked around to Gab's side. Recognition was spread over her face but she was emotionless.

"Gabby? Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. "Gabrielle?" I used her full name. No response. Her face remained unchanged and she didn't seem to hear me. Her breathing became shaky as her hands started to tremble.

"Why am I cold?" she asked, scared. "Where am I?"

"Gab... Can you hear me?" I asked cautiously. I heard someone approach us and I looked to see who it was. Natasha and Steph. The other two lads were standing with the others.

"There is screaming. Why? I can't feel anything. Why?" she said clearly but quietly. She was repeating this over and over again.

"Can she hear us?" Nat asked, waving a hand in front of Gab's face.

"I don't think so," I answered, cocking an eyebrow at her. I took Gab's shoulders but she didn't react.

"Spencer? Where are you? Spencer!" she whimpered. I was standing in front of her. Couldn't she see me?

"Gab... Are you okay?" I asked again. She didn't answer but her eyes were rolling back into her head. Her knees buckled and she fell into my arms. She looked peaceful but at the same time terrified. I looked around at the street and I recognised it. The place where the accident happened. How could I have been so stupid?

"Oh my god! Gab?! Can you hear me?!" Steph asked frantically. I gently placed her on the ground and backed off.

"Natasha, come with me," I said, walking away from there. "We need your phone."

We approached the others who had worried expressions on their faces and were trying to get a good look at Gab. "Just back away," I said calmly, pushing them slightly.

"What's the matter?" Liam asked quietly.

"PTSD," I answered simply. "Natasha. Get your phone," I commanded, staring them in the eye. She obeyed me, opening the door of the car she was in and grabbing something. She handed her phone to me but her face was cold and hard. "What's the matter?" I asked cautiously, knowing she could snap any second.

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