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This song of IU is really something which I loved the most recently. BTS V is my man😁which is the another reason I added this song. Please do listen , and comment the feedback ...😇

Authors POV :

The day was full of silence . It may be because of our cast's silent , we too feel that. No one dare to speak anything to any one . All of them were doing nothing and thinking something. SP is in deep thought of how to apologise to her.

Tomorrow he have to do something but before that he asked her friend 'priscella ' to update about Hema's conditions after going home . They were in last period . And here SP got some idea and explain to their friends that they'll directly go to Hema's home and ask for her forgiveness. Everyone agreed though .

Soon , the last period ends and everyone ( SP , Naveen , Aryan , Priscella) started going to Hema's home along with Jacob , Hema 's brother .

Near Hema's home ,

All 5 were looking at each other nervously. But Jacob is looking confused. Then , Jacob cleared his voice , so everyone focus goes to him.

Jacob : well , atleast now answer me. WHY . ARE . YOU . GUYS . HERE ?? ( He paused on each sentence and asked them with hand movements. )

Priscella : we came to see Hema .

Jacob : then come...

Aryan : yes ... Coming coming. ( He told but still stayed in same place . Jacob turned to them and sighed )

Jacob : what happened to you guys ???

Naveen : we are just scared , bro .. please wait , we'll prepare for her

Jacob : hah !!!! I know my sister is a bitch ! But I didn't expect that you guys are this much scared of her. But don't worry guys , I'll take care of you all... I can handle her , cause I'm living with that devil. So please come .

[ Author to hema : I'm sorry Hema , it feels like I'm insulting myself by writing this .

Hema to author : yes you are !! 😒😒 ]

They all again stared at each other . Jacob sighed again and went to his home because he don't have time for them to come to the conclusions whether to come or not . He have keyboard class to attend , so he went.

Priscella : you go !!!

Aryan : no , you go !!!

Priscella: no , SP ! You go !!!

SP : why me ?? Naveen will go

Naveen : hello bro , I won't go . You go man !!!

Aryan: no way , Priscella ! You should go and that's final

Priscella: why me ??

SP : for fuck sake , you are her sister . You are their family . So you should go first.

Priscella : *she rolled her eyes👀🙄😒. Fine , I'm going .

They four started entering the house and ring the bell . After few seconds, mrs. Barren came outside and saw them . She was suprised and shocked to see these many people. Then she noticed Priscella ,

Mrs. Barren : Hey Priscella , what a suprise !!! Are they your friends ??

Priscella: Hey mamma , yes ! they are my friends. Today Hema went home in a half-day of class , so we thought of visiting her .

Mrs. Barren : she told that she is not feeling well . But I see no problem in her health. I guess , she lied to bunk school. Is there any test today ??

Aryan : whah !! Great family ( he mumbled to SP )

SP : still more is there to see bro (he too mumbled )

Priscella : I guess , today no test is there for them. Shall we see her , mamma ?

Mrs. Barren : my bad , she is not home . She went outside with her cousin a hour ago yet she didn't came home. I don't know when she'll come .

Priscella: ohh !! Did she tell about her whereabouts ???

Mrs. Barren : She didn't tell anything dear.

Priscella : it's okay mamma , I'll call her later , now we'll leave .

Mrs . Barren: why ? You guys can stay here for a while . I'll prepare something to eat .

Priscilla : it's ok mamma. We'll come some other time. Now , we all were little tired .

Mrs . Barren : okay . Next time, you all should come... Now , go home safely and take rest guys.

Priscilla, SP , Aryan , Naveen : ok mamma / aunt . We'll come next time . 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

They waved bye and went to their respective home. SP asked to report about Hema afterwards . SP plan failed , and he's too depressed now .

Meanwhile Hema ,


After I reached home , my mom asked what happened and I have no idea how to explain her. I told I'm feeling little dizzy and I feel like puking . At first , she believed . And I'm happy that her beleived but later by observing my behaviour, she got to know that I lied.

I'm just too frustrated and depress about SP. What he told a while ago was repeating in my mind . So , I thought of easing my mind . But what to do ???🤔🤔 I watched tv and it's boring . I used mobile and it's irritating. Soon , i realised my cousin sister also bunked school , so I called her , after 2 ring she answered my call. We were talking for half an hour , and now we planned to go outside for a while. I told my mom that my sister want some help , so I'm going out with her. As expected she didn't allow but after few mins , she allowed.

Did you guys know what I'll do when im frustrated??? I know that you don't know. I'll tell..
I love pizza , i really love them , when I eat it I'll forget all my problem and pain . I'll feel happiness in all my bite . So as of now , I want to reduce my frustrations so I went with her to some cafe.

I ordered cheese pizza which is my most favourite. For her , she ordered something. We were eating and chitchatting by time I forget about what happened in the morning. I enjoyed each and every bite , I ate . While enjoying 'my time ' , i received a call . The caller id showed my sister name. I answered her call

HP : hello , sister !!!

Priscella : god ! Where are you? Are you alright ? I'm so worried about you .

(Hema got confused that what happened to her sister suddenly )

Hema : yes , I'm fine. I came with my cousin outside. Why you were so worried ?

Priscella: hah ! It relieved . I thought you were depressed about what happened earlier.

Then , it strikes me, why my sister is asking this. Again I was tensed by thinking about the scene .

Hema : i... Please Priscella don't talk about that. I don't want to think about that. (She's thinking those eyes which hold lots of anger , pain and fear , it breaks her... The voice she loved the most is the voice which said 'i hate you ' a while ago .. )please leave it. I'm cutting the call

After I cutted the call , again I got depressed so my sister suggested to buy one more dish . And hence forth , we ordered again , we ordered garlic bread which is my another mood changing dish. After I bid bye to my cousin , I started walking home , while walking my whole mind was caught up with the thought of SP. I'm thinking, thinking, thinking and thinking. Then I came near my house . I was supposed to enter house but I saw the familiar figure which made me to froze in the same spot.

Next episode is the continuation of this part REGRET 2 !!!

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