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☆ 311. Chapter 312 Tempering the body again

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Chapter 312 Tempering the Body Again

Zuo Anan didn't think Xing Cheng "over there" could be of much help, but she didn't refuse and took both the note and the disc.

In addition to worrying about Lu Jue's condition here and there, she is also worried about whether she will still have the same body now or the same body she had then.

If he was that person at that time, not to mention being weak or disabled, the most embarrassing thing would be...dirty.

Although it is her own body, she is not willing to face herself in the previous life again, let alone face such a situation.

Zuo Anan closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

No matter what Zuo Anan thinks in her heart, she still desperately wants to go back to her previous life. That is the only chance. The great power said that he can control the time between the previous life and this life up to ten to one, which means ten days over there. One day is spent here, but here, even with three large pieces of jade supporting it, Lu Jue can only last for a year at most.

Of course she didn't want to waste a day.

As soon as her things were ready, she set off.

When setting out, they chose night in order not to be discovered.

And it was far away from the base, in a barren mountain.

The opening of the so-called space-time channel was not very whirlpool, but a whirlpool-like door slowly appeared in front of me, violently sucking in the surrounding gas, dust and sand.

Li Ye looked back at Xing Cheng and Lu Li who came to see her off: "I'll leave Lu Jue to you." She took a breath and stepped in.

But as soon as she stepped into the door, her head felt dizzy and her body fell softly.

Xing Cheng hurriedly stepped forward to support her, but she had her eyes closed tightly and no breath at all.

Xing Cheng sighed with a serious look on his face: "The worst has happened."

Zuo Anan could not take his body away.

The shadow next to Zuo Anan said before that Zuo Anan might be able to take his body there. But this is more difficult, because there is another "Zuo An'an" over there. The existence of two people at the same time greatly violates the rules of heaven and earth, so "Zuo An'an" over there must be settled first.

Therefore, it is more likely that Zuo An'an's soul can only be returned to his previous life.

Lu Li said: "At least it's safer now." As for the soul, just get rid of the soul of "Zuo An'an" over there and it will be fine.

Xing Cheng could only nod and looked at Zuo Anan's neck. Fortunately, the two peach leaves and beads representing space are gone. It should have followed Zuo An'an's soul, and with those supplies, even Zuo An'an's body could only be compared to a third-level warrior at that time. Can it be easier?

The two left the place with Zuo Anan's body and quietly returned to the base under the cover of night.

On the other side, Zuo Anan felt like his head was going to explode.

An indescribable extreme pain, the first time it felt like a hand was tearing myself out of my body. The second time it hurt, it felt like the hand was forcing itself into a container again.

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