"I need a drink"

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Angel woke up in the same crappy hotel, its been open for a few weeks but still, hardly anyones here. He went downstairs to see everyone in the main room but husk, he was sitting at the bar. "Hey Kitty cat" Angel says sitting down winking at him. Husk rolled his eyes "What do you want Angel." Husk said in his usual tierdly voice. "To suck your dick?" Angel replied in a flirtasious voice as Husk just rolled his eyes in reply.

Angels phone buzzed and he checked it to see a message from valentino "I fucking need you here now" Angel read it and looked back at Husk "Hey I have to go, tell the others I said hi." He said as he quickly left.

Before Husk could ask anything angel was gone. He finnished putting away the glasses and went to join the others. "Hey Angel just left and he was acting kinda..strange?" He said as the Vaggie said "When isnt he?" Husk gave a little smile but he wasnt sure. "Angels never like this..or when he is he come back a little more upset" He thought to himself.

A few hours had passed, everyone had gone to bed but Husk, he was down at the bar wiping it down. Thats when Angel stumbled through the door, Husk already knew how he would act and look like, He would be stumbling a little and have a slurred speach while his eyes are a little wider and clothes with vomit on it. When Angel sat down of course Husk was right hes always looking like this after he goes out after he gets a message. But this time there was one thing diffrent. Husk had noticed Angel had a black eye and a bruise on the side of his head.

"I need a drink." Angel said.

(Sorry this parts so short ill make the next one longer)

Huskerdust, My Bartender - Hazbin hotelWhere stories live. Discover now