3. tears 😢

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Ignore my mistakes

The next morning

Tae did make lunch for jungkook and mina, he don't hate her but don't like to see her with jungkook but never said to him

He is in kitchen back facing when jungkook entered in kitchen

Jk: everything is ready tae

Tae: yeah lunch is ready

His eyes fell on his curvy waist, he bite his lips like a pervert (he is pervert)

He go close to taehyungie and kiss his back , he moan a little

Tae: k.kookie (moan)

Jk: you are so soft tae, sometimes I want to eat you darling

Tae: mmmahh~  not now it's day light

Jk: mmmhhh you think care ahhh darling

Tae: I do care

Jk: why, no one is in mansion mmmh

Jungkook slowly goes to his shoulder and start sucking it as well

They are enjoying each other's touch but someone come in jeon mansion

Tae: kookie I think mina is here

Jk: bad timing (frustrated)

Tae: you both have lunch , I am going to our room (look down)

Jk: are you angry on me tae

Tae: noo there is nothing like that (lied)

Tae didn't like it that jungkook said him to not come in forent of them Just because his so called friend didn't like it

With that tae went their room, jungkook don't like when someone disturb him while making out

He go and open the door it's Ms bussiness women mina in hindi

She is wearing a short dress as if it's a club

Jk: welcome mina

Mina: thanks

Jk: let's have lunch now

Mina: as you say handsome (firlt)

Jk: let's go beautiful (firlt back)

They both site in table , tae already serve the lunch for them

Mina: wow lunch is looking good

Jk: taste it

Mina taste it

Mina: wow it's delicious jungkook

Jk: I know right (proud smile)

Mina: form where did you order all this which restaurant

Jk: I didn't order it act-

Mina: heyy you also have some

Mina take some food towards him almost till his lips , he did hesitate at first but then open his mouth

Jk: yeah it's really tasty

They both get busy doing lunch without noticing is looking at them with numb eyes

It's tae he is secretly looking at them , tears start forming in his eyes

Time skip

After lunch

Mina: jungkook we have party with mr cha tonight

Jk: I will attend it for sure

Mina: ok then see you tonight

Jungkook and mina left form mansion for office, he didn't even bother to see tae once before going with mina

After they left

Tae came down and start cleaning the table , his eyes are still numb

Jungkook never behaved sweetly with him , tae and jungkook never did eat together

Tae never eat before jungkook and always wait for him when he come home late

Heyy hope you all like this part

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