44. mina's pregnancy 🙁😫

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JK: I love you too my taetae (teary eyes)

He glance at tae while he did left their room, he is sobbing silently

JK: taehyung pls come back to me

He wanted to get up and hug tae but he know tae will not come inforent of him

Tae spend whole night taking care of jungkook , he wanted to see him

But still he did not open his eyes , he just listen to him

Time skip

The next day , tae woke up first , he checked jungkook he is okay now

Tae: thank god you are okay now (smiled)

He did smiled at him but than again reality hits him

Tae: no use of me being happy for you right jungkook

He went to washroom and did his morning routine and go to downstairs

Jungkook also wake up now , he had take a leave today because of his health

Guard: mam someone came to mansion

Tae: who did come home this early morning (thinking)

He went to open the door it's mina again

Tae: why are here now

Mina: I came here to meet jungkook not you

Tae: go upstairs, he is in room

She went to their room to meet jungkook she smirked while looking at a file with her

Mina: jungkook (fake sweet voice)

Jungkook look at her with rest in b*Tch face

JK: why are you here

Mina: I come here to be with you forever

JK: get out of my house before I kick you out

Mina: jungkook pls listen to me .

JK: I don't want to listen, get out of my room

Mina: kookie pls-

JK: security guards come here (shout)

Security guards and tae come to their bedroom Mina is there with fake crying face

JK: take her out of mansion (rudely)

Mina: you cannot do this with me jungkook

JK: I can , get her out

Guards are about to take her out but than she scream

Mina: you can't do this with your child's mother

Hearing this everyone get shocked , tae fell on his kneels

JK: s.stop STOP THIS BULLSHIT (yells)

Jungkook went to tae , but he jerk off his hand form him

JK: t.tae

Tae: don't touch me (yells)

JK: she is lying taetae , it's not true

Mina: if you think I am lying than see this

She give them her pregnancy report, taekook can not belive their eyes

JK: mina get out form my house

Mina: I am pregnant with your child , you can't do this with me

JK: I don't care die somewhere else not my home

Mina: J.jungkook it's your child in my womb , you can not neglect him like this

Tae get-up form floor and go out of their room , jungkook goes behind him

JK: tae listen she is lying all these is just a lie don't believe her

He grab his wrist

Tae: leave me jungkook just leave me (sobbing)

JK: taetae-

Tae: answer my question

JK: what question ?

Tae: did you had sex with her , answer me honestly (cold)

JK: I.i had but it was just a mistake

Tae: wow we don't even need DNA test now , congrats for your third child (sarcastic smile)

JK: tae don't go pls I will die without you

Tae: what about me , I am dying form last 8 years what about that

Okay I will forgive you for doing it with her it was a mistake right

But what about all those years you used me , humiliate me, even letting our kids insult me (tears)

Let media and paparazzies insult me saying that I never I did anything for you

I was with you all the time when you had now that you are rich all people thinks I am just a gold digger

I never get love and respect my whole life, you were never with me when I was pregnant

I did everything you wanted b.but a.at last you lose interest with me

Tears are continuously flowing form his eyes when he was saying these

Tae: thanks for cheating on me and using me jungkook, you are the best husband in the world (teary eyes)

Jungkook fell on his kneels and grab his feets crying to his wife

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