24. angry kookie 👿

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Ignore my mistakes

Mr park: nice to meet you Mr jeon, I am his college friend park jimin

JK: my wife never told me about his friends or maybe he just forgot those college friends

Jimin: or maybe you never give him chance to share his things with you (smirk)

JK: you (anger)

Jimin: I came back to Korea after so many years that's why I thought to meet tae and some personal reasons

JK: there is nothing personal in-between me and my wife (coldly look at tae)

Jimin: okay , Mr jeon I understood you are too possessive about your wife but atleast give him freedom to meet his friends

JK: to be honest I don't need my wife's friend's advice how to treat my wife

Tae: jungkook stop it let's go home

Jk: your friend

Jimin: taehyungie let's meet tomorrow in office

Tae: sure

Jimin:  see you later

Jimin left form there

JK: you are not going anywhere

Tae didn't answer and left form that restaurant as well

JK: what the hell , why he is behaving like this with me (shout in anger)

Hope you all like this chapter Love you all Bye love you

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