33. bridal style

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The day went like this

Tae's shift is done he is ready to go home but than something hit his mind

Tae: jimin did not went home till now , I should check him once

He went to Mr park's office he is still working Tae knock

Jimin: yes come in

Tae come inside the office to see him

Tae: good evening Mr park

Jimin: Tae you didn't left yet

Tae: actually I came to see you

Jimin: me? Why

Tae: you didn't had lunch and still working so

Jimin: late night work is normal for me after all my bussiness is not as big as Mr jeon

Tae: it will better if you don't talk about him now

Jimin: okay Tae I will not btw my work is going to finish we can go home together if you want

Tae: yeah sure

After sometime

Jimin and Tae both came out of the office

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