20. labour pain

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Taekook are sleeping peacefully in their bed but than tae start feeling his uterus is wet

He put his hand on his abdomen it's getting harder , his womb muscles tighten and pain increase

The babies start kicking the pain start increasing every sec

Tae: j.jungkook wake up , it's paining

He did waked up jungkook who is sleeping beside him , he want scream in pain

Jk: what happen tae

Tae: it's time for delivery (in pain)

Jk: relax  I am going to get car keys (worried)

Jungkook switch on the lights and start looking for car keys

While he was doing this things tae is groaning in pain because of this Mrs jeon and his sister also woked up form their sleep

They both came inside taekook's room and see all this

Anjali: where are going jungkook

Jk: hospital off course

Mrs jeon: no need for that a wet nurse live here , she can do his delivery

A/n have you both mother and daughter done mad

Jk: but mom

Mrs jeon: she did your delivery as well

Jk: he is pregnant with twins

Mrs jeon: anjali call her now

Tae start having back pain now , he is crying and groaning in pain

Tae: god pls atleast save my babies after this delivery (crying)

After some time

That wet nurse come in their residence , she have a big bowl of warm water and white cloth with her

Wet nurse: all of you go outside

Jk: but taetae (glance at him)

Wet nurse: don't worry everything will be okay

Jk: o.okay

Actually jungkook don't want leave him alone like these in pain

An: okay I don't know anything about delivery process , I just saw warm water and white cloth I don't know what's use of that

Mrs jeon , anjali and jungkook are waiting out while he is screaming inside that room

Jungkook is very worried about tae but Mrs jeon and anjali are just worried about babies

Jk: Will he be okay (tensed)

Anjali: you don't have to be too worried about him

Mrs jeon: yes jungkook bottoms/girls have this experience once in their life

After sometime

Babies crying sound come out of the bedroom, jungkook is very happy after all he become a father

Tae is very exhausted laying in their bedroom , he smiled when he look at his both twins babies

Wet nurse: congratulations you are a mother now (smile)

Tae: can I see them

Wet nurse: no you are very weak now you just take rest

The wet nurse go out side of the room with babies in her arms

Jk: aww look at them , they both the cutest babies in th world

Wet nurse: congratulations everyone He gave birth to twins

Mrs jeon and anjali went to them jungkook look inside the room

He felt bad for tae , how he behave with him earlier but still he give him the most beautiful gift in the world

He went inside the room there is so much blood

Tae: jungkook (tried to get up)

Jk: no need to get up you just take rest

He get closer towards tae and kissed his forehead

Jk: thank you tae for such beautiful gift

He take tae in his arms and hugged him tightly, tae also hugged him back

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