37. mistress 💔

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Mina: you still do care about him

Tae: I do care about him or not it's none of your concerns

Mina: you think your husband is too loyal huh

Tae: well I know he is not loyal after all I am talking with his mistress

Mina: I am not his mistress

Tae: as long as I know a girl having a relationship with a married man is called mistress

Mina: listen-

Tae: but if you're not a mistress than what are you umm... whore (smirk)

Mina: you bit*h -

She was about to slap him but he grab her hands and push her away

Mina: what the hell in this earth you actually want ?

Tae: I don't want anything but what about you what do you want

You're independent girl than why you want to leave this life and wanna be his wife

Mina: because I love him and we are perfect for each other

Tae: love him (clucked) love his family as well , love his kids , love his parents , tolerate him your life

Do everything for them and at last not even get some respect, be his sl*t in bed at night and care taker for them at morning

Mina: you are just lying so that I get scared and don't take him away

Tae: Mina mina you are just stealing away my problem not my man

Saying this tae take jungkook form car and go inside their mansion

Leaving behind her

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