31. love ❤️

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Jungkook is already very frustrated because of tae's ignorance

And now Mina is behavior is making him crazy

JK: ahhhhhhhh (yell in frustration)

He take out a bottle of alcohol start drinking than took his cigarette

He have bad habit smoking and drinking he is very careless about his health

Tae was there to take care of him but not now

JK: atleast this alcohol is with me

He again take a shot of alcohol without caring about anyone , he lit his cigarette and start smoking

??: how many should I tell to not drink when kids are in home

Jungkook look towards the direction form where the voice is coming form

JK: t.taetae I-

Tae: you never listen to me right , you did smoke again you are really careless kookie

Tae come to him and take away his cigarette and alcohol glass and put them aside

JK: aren't you are ignoring me

Tae: how can I ignore you hubby

He cressed his cheeks with his soft hands , jungkook take his hand and kissed it

JK: don't ever ignore me taetae (sad)

Jungkook put his head on tae's chest He cressed his hairs

He is behaving like a baby with tae

After 10 mins

Jungkook fell a sleep in floor tae was not there it's just his imagination

Hope you all like this chapter Love you all Bye

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