50. death 😢

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Jungkook is crying so badly, he don't want to see tae inside that room

He is just hoping that it's not his taetae, With heavy steps he went inside the operation theater

His head is lower and walk he saw tae is in hospital bed , tae is looking so pale yet beautiful

The nurse is there as well she is about to cover his face with white sheet

JK: no don't cover his face He will be not able to breath

He said it with sad and broken voice , the nurse pity on him

She left form there leaving the husband and wife alone

JK: Taetae why you are sleeping at this hour it's too early , yeah I remember you didn't sleep last night

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JK: Taetae why you are sleeping at this hour it's too early , yeah I remember you didn't sleep last night

You were taking care of me, you can sleep as much as you want

But let's go to our mansion we can't stay in hospital like  this

Jungkook is trying to act normal but anyone can say he is broken inside

He went closer to the hospital bed tears are flowing form his eyes to his cheeks

JK: taetae please wake up please (crying)

He looked at tae and touch his soft cheeks, he never thought that his tae will be in this condition

JK: if I didn't let you go that time you will be not like this, it's all my fault m.my fault (broken voice)

He looked down while crying, tears are continuously flowing form his eyes

JK: you know that pregnancy report was fake, jimin is here to see you as well

I know you hate me now but atleast wake up for your friend

For our kids they are missing you alot (sobbing)

He take tae's cold hand in his hands, he continuously rubbing his hand

JK: did you catch cold why your hands are cold

No matter how much jungkook cry or beg but the reality is that

Tae is dead he is just talking with a dead body like a psycho

JK: I will not let anyone misbehave with you anymore not even guk and rina

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JK: I will not let anyone misbehave with you anymore not even guk and rina

I will never compare you to anyone just open your eyes for once

Shout at me , slap me or beat me but wake up please

He was mumbling many things like crazy person but than he heard a similar voice

*are you crying for me kookie* deep yet beautiful voice

Jungkook look at tae's dead body but it was just his body

*you wanted me to leave see god granted your wish why are crying*

JK: taetae is it you, where are you (confused)

*I am already dead Jungkook it's my soul who is speaking with you*

JK: taetae don't leave me like this pls (pleading and crying)

*why you should be happy that I am leave you , are you crying in happiness*

JK: noo tae noo I really love you I really want you

*you already have my dead body inforent of you do whatever want*

JK: are you punishing me like these

*who I am to punish you Mr jeon just gold digger right*

JK: Don't leave me tae don't I love you so much

*aren't I am the one whom you used to hate the useless one*

JK: the only one who is useless is me you are an angel taetae

*you neglected me , hate me and insult me when I was alive but when I am dead you care about me*

JK: I realized my mistake now, you can leave me if you want but live in this same world

JK: I realized my mistake now, you can leave me if you want but live in this same world

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JK: taetae please talk with me please (crying)

*let's see each other again in next life*

He is crying badly and pleading tae to be with him but than he felt a soft hand on his cheeks

With that tae giggle and smiled at jungkook with that he left with blowing wind

Jungkook sigh and wipe his tears form his eyes

Jungkook sigh and wipe his tears form his eyes

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He look at tae's body which is lifeless,

JK: rest in peace love , now I understand why you left me

Hello hello , there will be two endings one sad and one happy

I will write both for you

Love you all


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