35. don't care

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Tae went inside the mansion kids already slept and jungkook didn't come home

Tae: kookie didn't come home yet

He looked around no one is there in mansion, tae is about to call him but stopped

Tae: why I even be worried about him he don't like me He likes mina. (Clucked)

He go towards the kitchen there is some left over spaghetti

Tae: maybe they don't care if I am okay or not , why could they need me and they don't even like my food

With jimin

He is with taeming and minnie playing together

Minnie: dadda who was that aunty in office

Jimin: that was my old friend

Taeming: I like that aunty , he is very sweet

Jimin: he is sweet as honey (smile thinking about tae)

Minnie: why are smiling dadda

Jimin: nothing just some random thoughts

A naughty smirk appears on taeming and minnie's face they look at their dadda

Taeming and minnie: someone is in love (look at jimin)

Jimin: what

Minnie: you like him right

Jimin: noo

Taeming : really you really don't like him at all

Jimin: he is my friend and he have many family problems that's why I am worried about him

Guess where is jungkook, let's see who can guess right this time

Hope you all like this chapter Love you all Bye love

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