27. vmin

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The next day

Tae did get ready to go to jimin's office today he is looking different

There is no regret and love in his eyes he is not sweet and cute taetae

Who used think 100 times before leaving his family alone

Tae: I know you all will never understand my worth but that's okay

I will not wait for you to know my worth, I will show who is kim taehyung

He did carried his purse and went out of their mansion  he did not take Mr jeon's car to go

Time skip

Tae reached park office it's not big as jeon company but he don't care about it all he want is a job

He went to inside the company

Tae: where is Mr park's office

Receptionist: do you have appointment

Tae: yeah

Receptionist: okay you can go

Tae; thank you

He went to Mr park's office also his soulmate jiminie ,

In his office

Jimin: taehyung you are too early

Tae: I think I am on time it's the time you told me to come in your office

Jimin: I was checking you have a good memory

Tae: thanks

Jimin: have seat , so taehyung why should I hire you

Tae: personally I am your best friend in school and that's enough to hire me

And professional you can see my resume and all

Jimin: you know  how to maintain professional and personal life

Tae: it's been years I have doing these

Jimin: well it's office you don't have to be like a house wife here

And form now on you are employee here (smile)

Tae: thank you for comforting me Mr park

Jimin: come on I am not that old to be called Mr park you can call me jimin when we are alone

Tae: okay jiminie (smile)

Jimin: I am happy to see that you start smiling again (smile)

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