39. happened

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The next day

Jungkook woke up form his sleep with headache He is still alone tae is not there

JK: what happened last night, my head is paining so much

He went to washroom to do his morning routine but than he look himself in mirror

Lip stick marks are still on his chest, he is shocked yet disgusted

JK: what the hell it's was not tae last night, no I cannot repeat same mistake again

He rush to shower and start removing all those marks form his chest

It's seems like he is removing dirt form himself, his skin turn red because of scrubbing

JK: I cannot this with my tae no I can't noo no , all those things was just a mistake noo no

With tae

He is in a cafe , today is weekend but tae don't want to be in jeon mansion

He don't want to see jungkook not because he hates him

He don't want to re-call those memories again , he don't want to see that his hubby cheated on him

No matter how hard he try , A wife's emotions are still in his heart

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Hope you all like this chapter Love you all Bye love you all so

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