
91 9 3

Seoul, South Korea

Monday, October 1st

9.30 AM

Hey you...

Good morning,

I'm sure you're busy now, why else would you ignore me?

Or do... you need space?

You can't help it if your mind has changed...

So go ahead and break my heart agai-

"Good morniiiiing sunshine! The earth says HELLO!!" chirped Taehyung as he stole Jimin's left earphone and stormed out of his bedroom running as if his life depended on it.

"Oh dear Kim Taehyung, you're dead meat now" said Jimin as he closed his laptop carefully, moved from his desk and immediately ran after him.

In a small, cozy apartment settled on the roof of a three stories' building that's located in a rather quiet neighborhood, Jimin and Taehyung started almost all of their mornings bickering not so quietly. Typical siblings, if you ask me. Jimin was your ideal college student, majoring in Information and Culture Technology in Seoul National University; he was diligent and extremely dedicated to his studies making him earn the spot of the top student three years in a row. And though social gatherings were never one of his strengths, which made him a tad bit reluctant when it came to participating or even attending any of the frequent university events that were hosted by several clubs, his kind smile and easy going nature saved him from being portrayed as the arrogant smartass and rather earned him a decent reputation among his classmates and professors.

As for Taehyung, well biology simply ran in his blood, he was so passionate about it from a curiosity stance that he didn't care much for his grades, only being interested in pure knowledge. If it wasn't for Jimin's severe guidance and relentless effort in pushing the brown haired boy to his academic limits, Taehyung wouldn't have even dreamt about applying to Seoul National University let alone being admitted to it. But as they say, old habits die hard, for Taehyung might or might not have fell in love with the vast and well equipped laboratories along with endless access for many chemical products the university provided that he might or might not be slacking in his theoretical studies and thus, neglecting his grades.

And so they were a match made in heaven, for conflicts, that is.

"We should've grabbed a bite before starting the classes" whined Taehyung as they walked down the bustling hallway. Monday mornings are always crowded in universities with the students' new found drive for learning, and then Thursday rolls around and everyone goes back to their usual –what the hell am I doing with my life???- state.

"We would've if you didn't spend two hours in the bathroom doing God knows what" sighed Jimin.

"Hey don't rush perfection! This gorgeous gorgeous hair isn't going to style itself" said Taehyung as he flipped his hair like the expensive model he is.

"Alright then, starve from 11 am till 3 pm" replied Jimin as he stuck his tongue out at a very annoyed Taehyung and entered a classroom.

"Mean" mumbled the brown haired boy as he headed to a different department, evidently late but well it's Taehyung, he can positively charm his way out of troubles.

"Yes I've heard about it too! I should definitely apply after the class ends, that company is no joke in this field" a group of students' speech got Jimin's attention as he sat on his desk and started rummaging for his notebook, pens and highlighters.

"Aish it's not that easy pabo ya, though they always say it will be based solely on the interview or the test that companies provide, professors' recommendations are what actually matters" replied another girl.

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