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Seoul, South Korea

Monday, October 1st

6.30 AM

'Cardio workout had been successfully accomplished, next is two minutes plank'

The robotic voice that echoed through the fairly large and well equipped gym seized, and Yoongi stepped out of the treadmill heaving a long, exhausted breath as he reached for a towel and tapped it over his drenched nape. If you happened to know one of Yoongi's old acquaintances and disclosed to them that the silver haired man was working out at the earliest time of the day, they would shamelessly laugh at your face or call you a delusional fool. For Yoongi was never a fan of any sort of physical effort, preferring to exhaust his brain's gears rather than his body's limbs.

However, he had lately found daily exercising to be a wonderful way to unwind. Running for miles and miles indoors or outdoors to clear his mind and sort his thoughts, gradually lifting heavier weights that had his face scrunch in determination to learn how to keep pushing at his own limits, and continuously punching rock hard bags to... well... refrain from punching people in the face.

Oh and one more thing, if you truly happened to know one of Yoongi's old acquaintances, you would most likely be dead as we speak.

He concluded his workout session efficiently and headed straight to the washroom, fog crept up the glassy doors of the dark grey shower as the large man relished in how his tense muscles flexed then gradually relaxed under the warm waterfall. Then, with his wet hair pushed back and a towel secured on his hip hiding whatever mysteries laid under the apparent V line, Yoongi prepared his usual two crispy toasts and two scrambled eggs topped by sliced avocado breakfast, often adding some sort of a side beverage or even bacon when he felt like pampering himself, but today he chose plain milk. Lastly, and wearing a customized grey Dior suit, the CEO exited his secluded mansion into his black BMW i4 while glancing at the clock that read 7.45 AM.

'Good morning Mr. Min, please enter location'

"ADT company." And with that, his day had officially started.

AgustD Technologies was among the pioneers of net development companies, while most corporations in the field were driven by purely economic motives as they raced to invent new trends that sold well for a short while then eventually died down as quickly as they blew up –loads of 'new' dating apps that differ in nothing but trivial settings, plenty of novel social media platforms that offer promises of complete freedom of speech while hiding brand new methods of personal data high jacking-, ADT quiet literally paved the way by creating the different soft wares needed by those companies to base their inventions on, and much more. They were not interested in child play, they were there to monitor and supervise it.

Located in one of Seoul's tallest buildings, ADT's center was by all an undeniable architecture wonder inside out. Yoongi's minimalistic yet unique taste reflecting perfectly on all of its stories as different shades of black and grey adorned the interior and became the main theme of the majestic structure.

"Schedule" spoke Yoongi as he walked through the lobby of the building with a hand in his pocket and a crew of six people following his lead.

A beautifully long haired woman that walked to Yoongi's left, yet slightly behind him, began fumbling through her papers as they neared the elevator "Uh I believe you have a video confer- no a meeting with uh... y-yes pardon me sir it's in here somewhere" a dreaded silence fell upon the group, making the sound of the shuffling sheets of paper appear even more prominent, all while the secretary struggled to finish her sentence without a reliable document.

"Ms. Kang," Yoongi turned in his heels facing his crew, though their eyes never met his for they stuck to the ground, "I have been asking the same question at the same time on a daily basis, now, to not prepare an answer you are either testing my patience, or simply a fool" he spoke calmly, his eyes carefully examining the now pale woman, "I don't know which is worse" he added.

"I-I'm sorry Mr. Min I just happened to los-" she mumbled until she was cut as Yoongi stepped inside the elevator

"Take the rest of the day off, Ms. Kang" his crew followed him in before the doors to the elevator closed, leaving the secretary flustered and unable to raise her head up though her boss was long gone.

Yoongi was the furthest away from being a cruel employer; he simply had little to no tolerance toward inefficient workers for they frustrated him and drained his already low energy. The man was a living embodiment of 'less is more', he spoke little words and spared little of his time, he gave even less chances and took absolutely no shit from anyone. Befitting the CEO of a respected, innovative corporation with a reputation to uphold that he is.

"Ms. Yun, if you may" he ordered

"At 8.30 you have a meeting with Kim&Brothers regarding their interest in buying our latest home protection system, at 11 you are invited to Seoul National University to attend an event where you are expected to take the floor and speak for no more than five minutes, at 12 it would be your lunch break as per Mr. Namjoon's request, and from then on you are expected to meet with the executive assistants in order to delegate the day's agenda." Spoke a delicate yet a firm voice.

"Postpone my visit to the University, Kim&Brothers are persistent I doubt an hour and a half would be sufficient" spoke Yoongi as he finally settled on a leather chair with his desk plastered in front of him, his lean posture exuding a charming blend of calm assurance and compelling strength.

"Gladly, though I'm inclined to remind you that we are targeting that university for our upcoming internship, attending would boost our reputation among the younger generations" replied Ms. Yun as she handed Yoongi the rectified version of the schedule to sign, along with other documents.

"Send Seokjin then, he's not this company's ambassador for nothing"

"As you wish Mr. Min, now if you'll excuse me" bowed the lady and the rest of crew before they exited Yoongi's office.

The silver haired man turned his chair facing away from the desk and into the large window he installed instead of the wall. The window provided the somber office with warm, natural lighting, and though Namjoon kept complaining that it was a waste since the view of the city was almost always blocked by the clear yet heavy clouds due to how high his office was, Yoongi still found his peace when gazing at the endless sky through the large crystal.

And so he sat there, enjoying what will most likely be the only quiet few minute he will have this entire day.

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