
67 6 1

Seoul, South Korea

Tuesday, November 8th

11.20 AM

Jimin smiled discreetly to himself as he sat in the car and watched Yoongi quickly jog his way to and from the pharmacy they parked in front of, despite his calm demeanor, Jimin could sense that Yoongi was more or less on edge since they started this ride. He couldn't decipher why: maybe he was upset since the brunch was ruined? Or perhaps he was afraid of being seen with a stranger in such a suspicious outing? Since Yoongi was a well known public figure after all,

Or perhaps... he was worried for him?

It doesn't matter for Jimin anymore, what matters the most for him is focusing on the current moment and relishing in it, for he knows his time with Yoongi is nearing its end.

"I will roll your shorts up a little Jiminah" spoke Yoongi with his soothing baritone voice, his long fingers carefully exposing Jimin's injury as the younger watched nervously. He squeezed a generous amount of ointment on his finger and looked up at Jimin, his eyes soft and more expressive than Jimin had ever seen them be "I will touch you now" he said and waited for Jimin to nod "if you feel any pain, you can squeeze my hand"

"Don't treat me like a child" Jimin smiled and Yoongi got lost in him, knowing all too well he wants more of whatever is happening now. He gently blew on Jimin's injured thigh while simultaneously massaging the burnt patch, occasionally stopping whenever the younger flinched and talking him through it.

"Done, how are you feeling now? Any discomfort?" asked Yoongi as he sanitized his hands with wet wipes, only for him to immediately put his hand on Jimin's forehead and examine his temperature.

"None, I'm as good as new" he leaned into Yoongi's cold hand, eyes lazy and lips stretched into a satisfied smile.

Yoongi's hand travelled from the smaller's forehead into his cheek, he caressed the soft flesh and watched it turn a shade of red under the slightest amount of pressure "I've always wanted to ask you" he said with a heavy voice "how come you always smell sweet"

"I do?" his eyebrows furrowed cutely, making Yoongi's hand itch for caressing him even more.

"You do" he chuckled "a lot like strawberries"

"All the products I use smell like strawberries" he looked at Yoongi through his eyelashes

"Even the one you use on your lips" he asked, eyes already fixated on the red cherries

"Yes my lip balm too" he giggled

"And does it perhaps, taste as delicious as it smells" he asked and intently watched Jimin's lips open and close multiple times as the younger struggled to answer what seemed to be an innocent question on the surface, but had a not so innocent intention behind it.

"I d-don't know" he said, voice quivering

"You see, this question troubles my nights Jiminah" his eyes darkened as his thumb traced Jimin's upper lip ever so slowly, then the lower lip with a tad bit of pressure "allow me to answer it" their eyes locked as Yoongi licked his thumb, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down slowly as if he had a full course meal after years of starving,

"... it does." he whispered dangerously

Jimin can positively affirm he barely remembers anything after that, he somehow managed to mumble an incoherent answer to his CEO, barely managed to focus on the road in their way back, and barely registered that the car has been parked in front of the building he lives in for a good 3 minutes now

"You don't have to come to work tomorrow, make sure you recover fully before coming back" spoke Yoongi, pulling Jimin out of his wild thoughts

"Alright sir, thank you for the ride and" he looked at him and smiled genuinely "for everything, thank you"

Jimin exited the car and took a deep breath trying to wrap his head around the tremendous amount of events that occurred this morning, he –as per usual- pushed his interaction with the silver head man to the furthest corner of his mind and tried to reorganize his thoughts on the scientist they are targeting.

"Well well well, I finally have enough evidence to condemn you filthy sinner" Taehyung startled Jimin intentionally, a hand on his hip and the biggest side eye on his face

"You freaked the hell out of me! I told you not to do that" he punctuated each word with a harsh smack on Taehyung's back and shoulder

"You also told me there's nothing going on between you and your sexy boss and yet here we are" they took their shoes off and made their way to the living room where Taehyung threw himself on the couch "opening the car door for you was cheesy but nice to watch"

"But that's the truth, there's nothing going on between us. Not like I can have anything with him" said Jimin, a hint of seriousness lacing his voice "or anyone for that matters"

"Then why was he driving you home, and why did you give him our address to begin with" he noted the change in Jimin's demeanor

"I didn't" said Jimin as he entered the kitchen and fetched his apron "nor did I tell him what my favorite drink is and yet he magically knew it, which is why I told you to run a background check on him" he put the cutting board on the counter and with a fast yet a sharp flick of his hand, he sliced the onions to shreds "I have a feeling that he is more than just your regular rich CEO"

"I did a throughout research" replied Taehyung "and managed to follow our mad scientist back to where he currently resides too, let's discuss it over lunch" 

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