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Seoul, South Korea

Wednesday, November 10th

8.30 AM

It was a cold, gloomy morning. Clouds too dark and heavy signaling they are on the verge of bursting into a cleansing flood, one that would hopefully wash away the grief and sorrows of God's most pitiful, melancholic creatures.

"Here's your coffee sir" Jimin prepared the usual dark espresso for his employer, placed it carefully on his desk with an all too deceptive smile "now if you excuse me."

Yoongi watched the younger closely, eyebrows furrowed and a chin calmly rested on his index and pointer finger as he contemplated whether he should address his suspicions or leave it be, completely overestimating his ability to filter his words and control his behavior whenever a black haired beauty is concerned

"Did you, perhaps, cry recently" he spoke, immediately regretting starting off so strong as he caught the brief yet undeniable look of utter sadness in Jimin's orbs.

"Not at all" answered Jimin as he took few steps back, hastily trying to reach the door since the last thing he needed now is someone feigning kindness, for even if it is fake, Jimin is not confident that he wouldn't crumble down at the first 'are you okay?'

"Why do you find it necessary to lie to me so often" he caught Jimin's hand just as it almost reached the doorknob, an odd feeling creeping at him as Jimin's all too weak and vulnerable face expressions hit him like a trainwreck as soon as the younger turned and faced him "is it that, or is it the thought of you curling into yourself trying to find solace in your own smallness as you cried, all alone" his jaw clenched unconsciously as he gently pulled Jimin into his arms, a hand on his head and the other wrapping around his delicate waist protectively "which of those two thoughts is making me feel unbearably feral."

"Do you... hate it when I lie to you?" Jimin's voice came small and muffled since his face was being buried to the older man's chest.

"I would say I dislike it. There's absolutely nothing within you that would evoke feelings of hate from me, Jiminah" spoke Yoongi as he relished in Jimin's fast beating heart being pressed to his equally fast beating one.

"What if I lied to you even more" he retracted himself from the older's much needed warmth reluctantly, pearly teeth abusing the soft lips to prevent himself from shedding tears "what if my lies got bigger" he breathed "and uglier... would you hate me then"

"I have a feeling that you could be pointing a gun to my head, and all I'd be able to think of is how's your delicate looking wrist supporting the weight of such a heavy weapon" rasped Yoongi as he gently caressed Jimin's red, puffy under eye "is that normal?"

Jimin's world froze momentarily and his eyes could not conceal the disbelief he felt as Yoongi's tender words resonated, his cheeks bloomed with a delicious rosy tint and a smile crept on his face betraying his previous decision of not to be swayed by anything this man says or does, "no" an almost inaudible giggle escaped his mouth as he quickly covered his reddening face with his hands "that is definitely not normal to think of, or to say"

"Then have a speck of faith in me Jimin, get mad and angry before me, weep and curse the world that prevented things from aligning according to what you desire. But all of it, I beg of you, do all of it with me." He spoke gently as he carefully kissed Jimin's temple "Please..." he sighed "it's puzzling to me as it is to you, I know you think of me as a mad man" he said and Jimin smiled faintly, causing the grey haired man to smile back unconsciously "you do, don't you?" he whispered in Jimin's ear, all too relieved seeing how calm the younger man became and how he's leaning into every one of his touches like a needy kitten "I do too, believe me, your sole existence and how it renders me so uncontrolled of myself is puzzling to me. But until I figure out how and why," he paused, a sweet silence lingering around the office as their breaths entangled and their hearts synced "I'm begging you yet again, don't go cry somewhere I can't reach you."

Jimin didn't know this kind of feeling existed, to be overwhelmed with joy and safety due to someone's mere words. He spent his entire life guarding his back and front from enemies, from people, he never once shared a laugh with someone without the possibility of being stabbed in his back by that same person lingering in the back of his mind. Jimin was raised seeing the evil in people even when they offered nothing but good because that's how you are wired when you are used as a disposable pawn since you were old enough to walk, yet this man's words seem to move a side of him he never knew existed, this man gives him what he has been robbed of for his entire life, he gives him hope.

But... will Yoongi feel the same if he knew Jimin's true intentions? Will he use the same warm words with him, shower him with kindness and... love? Will Yoongi forgive Jimin for leading him on and making him reveal such a vulnerable part of him only to be betrayed?

If Jimin revealed how ugly he is, will Yoongi still look at him like he's the moon?

"Now," Yoongi's velvety voice stole Jimin's attention and attached him back to reality "what a man's gotta do around here to have his date proposal approved by this beauty" he grabbed Jimin's left hand and landed a feathery kiss, eyes never leaving Jimin's.

"Oh my God I never took you for a cheesy romance type of man" laughed Jimin at the suddenness of the question, his body and mind all too accustomed to Yoongi's touch.

"Neither did I if I'm being honest" he laughed as well, albeit shyly one might say "but what can I do, it feels like I'm rediscovering myself around you"

"Then can you wait? For the answer? You know like in all the fairytale love stories"

"Fairytales?" laughed Yoongi, his rare gummy smile making Jimin fall even deeper for the perfect man he's infront of "alright little merman, I can wait as long as you want me to"

"You got yourself a deal then, now get back to work please you have a meeting in less than ten minutes!" smiled Jimin as he dragged a visibly disapproving Yoongi back to his desk, then exited his office running to his,

Tears flooding his eyes...

The little mermaid never ends up with the one she loves... 

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