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Seoul, South Korea

Tuesday, November 9th

2.10 PM

"Why is it always difficult to catch a glimpse of you, Mr. Min" with determined eyes and a playful smirk he made his way through the quiet lobby and towards Jimin's office, his strides sharp and confident and his shoulders swaying subtly with each click of his dress shoes until he stood tall infront of the three men, extending his hand to the CEO "long time no see, old friend"

"We've met last year, it's hardly a long time" replied Yoongi as he shook his hand briefly "as I doubt we have been acquainted enough to call each other 'friends', or barge into each other's offices unannounced" his face was stoic and his tone indifferent, making Jimin wonder whether this was the same man who was caressing his face and laughing carelessly with him just moments ago.

"He was taken aback by your pleasant surprise sir" interfered Seokjin before Yoongi could continue speaking what went down his mind "it's always a pleasure to have you" he smiled as he shook the guest's hand.

"You don't have to play the ambassador with me I'm used to his harsh sarcasm, though he should pay you handsomely 'cause I bet his attitude makes you overwork" he smiled as he kissed Seokjin's hand "and, who do we have here" he shifted his body towards Jimin, an undeniable gaze of interest on his face.


"Ms. Yun," The CEO stood infront of the man, tall and towering as the air in the office suddenly shifted, his presence exuded a silent warning and his dark orbs gleamed with an unsettling intensity "help this gentleman to my office, I'll join you in a moment" he spoke and everyone abided, then he sighed and smirked subtly as he turned to the stunned boy behind him "the things you make me do" he raised his hand and gently tucked Jimin's silky hair behind his ear "our conversation is not over yet, hm?"

"Yes" nodded Jimin slowly, a faint blush tinted the bridge of his nose and a shiver travelled down his spine as he oddly relished in the sensation Yoongi's authoritative demeanor made him feel.

"Good boy."

"Lord, I can grab the sexual tension in here with bare hands" chuckled Seokjin as he stood next to Jimin eyeing the CEO and his guest now standing at the secretary's desk.

"W-wha- sexual?? Who? I- we did nothing" Jimin was undeniably a hot mess trying to defend himself from accusations he deemed false.

"We? Boy who's we?" Seokjin eyed Jimin suspiciously, his lips stretching to a knowing smile "I meant between Yoongi and Choi Hajoon, that spoiled chaebol has been after Yoongi for God knows how long now".

"He... has?" Jimin felt his heart sink to the deepest point of sorrow as he watched the guest from afar, only now noticing how good looking and well dressed he is, presentable with a hint of sophistication that could only be manifested in someone who has been born into generational wealth, in other words, everything that Jimin is not. And he kept watching still, noting how easy going the man is, and how talkative the usually silent Yoongi is around him.

It's only fair for him to feel jealous, for it is horribly unfair for him to witness Yoongi being hit on while he only recently acknowledged his feelings for him, but this isn't just jealousy he's feeling: Jimin felt helpless and miserable. Because unlike him, Hajoon was undeniably a perfect match for Yoongi, the man is everything Jimin must be in order for him to even entertain the idea of them being together and yet he still dared and dreamed. It's almost comical how he is constantly being reminded with how delusional and absurd he is, how the idea of them being together will only be realized in another life, perhaps another dimension even, and yet he still has it in him to feel pain whenever the reality is materializing infront of him.

He should be smarter than this, more mature than this, even if it's easier said than done.

Jimin shook his head while smiling to himself, his flow of thoughts finally knocking some sense into him, "they look good together, he should give him a chance" he smiled at the scene.

"Don't let him hear you say that! He'll lose it" Seokjin quickly covered Jimin's mouth and the smaller giggled, the sweet sound attracting a certain sharp pair of eyes from all the way across the hall.

"Woah is it that serious?" breathed Jimin into Seokjin's hand "look he's even pulling the Tae Tae tactic on him!" he giggled even more as he watched the said man pretend to drop his tissue on the floor just so he can bend over seductively infront of Yoongi to grab it.

"I don't know who's Tae Tae and what's his tactic, all I know is while Yoongi's so close to having a private lap dance, he only has eyes for you" replied Seokjin as he bid Jimin farewell, and upon that, the black haired boy locked a gaze with Yoongi who had an unreadable expression on his face, and all he could do was smile politely, bow to his employer and turn back heading into his office

"He'll grow out of it," he whispered to none but himself, ignoring the lump in his throat "as I will too."

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