
39 5 1

Seoul, South Korea

Tuesday, November 9th

10.30 PM

"Are you out of your God damn mind? Have you finally gone fucking nuts??" shouted Taehyung, nose flaring with a heating breath "why would you disagree with him like that? Couldn't you use your two brain cells to know who the fuck you were talking to?" he scoffed, barely able to hide his shaking hands as he nervously ran them through his disheveled hair.

"Because it's fucking bullshit! We've always worked together why would he try to separate us now huh??" Jimin barked back, the adrenaline in his body all over the place from the stressful phone call "why did he suddenly feel like sending you in a new mission, alone." He stressed each word.

"So you respond by shouting? Did you forget what happened last time you two had a 'talk about manners' or should I remind you?" Taehyung took slow steps towards Jimin, his pointer finger jabbing at Jimin's chest "he got you bedridden in a hospital for a month and a half and this" he pointed at his own chest "pathetic piece of shit had to take care of your ungrateful ass"

"And I'm paying you back by thinking on behalf of us both! There is no fucking way he has your best interest in mind Taehyungie trust me... please" Jimin caught Taehyung's hands in his, voice quivering and eyes caring "only I do... only I. Do you hear me? I want what is best for both of us, I will create better lives for us" he lowered his voice, eyes darkening "better than this shithole we are stuck in"

A silent tear rolled down Taehyung's cheek as he separated his hands from Jimin's grasp, "us?" he whispered, and Jimin could already feel his heart shatter from what was about to be said "is that what you say to yourself to sleep well at night? Are you truly willing to throw yourself away for the sake of something so utterly absurd? There is no us Jimin. I never asked you to take care of me."

Jimin's features twisted into a mixture of frustration and anguish, his voice trembled as he desperately picked his words carefully to persuade a clearly fear-crippled Taehyung "T-that's the point! You don't have to! You are my younger brother that I lov-"

"Your brother?!" Taehyung broke into a fit of laughter, his eyes a waterfall yet his smile wide and amused "you're not my fucking brother! You are no more than a useless subordinate to me and I kid you not" he gritted his teeth "you will be the first I'll stab in the back when shit hit the fan, do you know why?" he grabbed Jimin by his collar "because of this stupidly blind trust you have in me, it'll make it so easy for me to betray the fuck out of you if you don't get your shit together and start being as selfish as this nasty line of work requires us to be" Taehyung screamed each word until his face turned red and his veins almost popped out of his neck, his throat ached and burned in protest but he couldn't care less for his heart ached more and his eyes burned the most.

"You don't mean that" smiled Jimin through his flood of tears, quiet cries escaping his mouth almost like a muffled whimper.

"I'll prove it to you" yelled Taehyung, tears completely blinding his vision.

"You don't seem that convincing with all the snot on your face" sobbed Jimin.

"Fuck you" wailed Taehyung.

Time passed as the two of them wept and wailed in each other's presence, standing in the dimly lit living room close enough for them to sense each other's trembling physics and restless breaths yet too far away to engulf each other in a very needed hug, as if mimicking the complicated relationship they share. A lump must've stuck in their throat preventing them from talking because what else could it be? How do they describe being inches away from each other with their souls laid bare and weak yet none of them being able to utter a single word? Yes they are not brothers, not even half brothers for that matter, but is shared blood all there is to it? Does the suffering they endured together since they came out of age under the cruel 'care' of their papa and his organization is devoided of any meaning to both of them? Or any of them?

Speak, they begged each other silently as their chests burned with flames that could set the entire world ablaze... tell me it will all be alright, tears drew words on their cheeks that their mouths were too weak to utter.

How cruel is it when life offers you what you desire within a hand's reach, yet you find yourself unprepared to take a hold of it?

"Don't call me" Taehyung's voice cracked as he reached for his motorcycle's helmet and slammed the door on his way out, leaving Jimin in a state of neutral disbelief, one moment away from going berserk on himself and the entire world.

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