
42 6 1

Seoul, South Korea

Wednesday, November 10th

2 PM

Seconds tick by as they all sat in the large room, a mildly deafening silence falling upon them other than the sound of the leathery chairs shuffling as the three of them shifted and turned waiting for his words.

"Took you long enough to report back" seated at the head of the room with his back offered to them, his voice came low and gravelly, carrying with it a weight that demands obedience without question.

"It's a bit difficult to talk, let alone stand up, when you have a genetically modified poison penetrating your system" spoke one of the attendees, the black suit he's wearing fitting him like a second skin as his undeniably toned muscles rippled beneath the fabric, though, that didn't hide the clear discomfort that plagues anyone who isn't used to wearing formal attires "if it wasn't for my body being fairly adjusted to poisons, I would've probably died there".

"You were an entire team against one perpetrator" spoke another one "and somehow you were the ones who ended up with the short end of the stick?"

"There were two of them actually" he replied "very sharp and highly trained, astonishing sync between them, and each more annoying than the other" he gritted his teeth, memories of his humiliation in addition to a dirt-covered face still vivid in his head.

"Explain yourself" the low voice spoke again, his steely cold eyes never leaving the large window that allowed a soul calming light into the large, dimly lit office.

"You see, we have zero records of them entering the hotel Hoseok currently resides in" started the questioned man, the rest of the men paying close attention to each word he says "no CCTV footages, no eye witnesses, no nothing. Yet somehow they entered a highly famous –thus highly guarded- hotel and went straight to his room, causing no suspicions whatsoever. And if we weren't there by mere chance," he took a deep breath as his eyes inspected his surroundings, hoping to gain himself a bit of time to collect enough courage before breaking the news to the one who's mere presence is casting a shadow of fear over the room "I doubt we would've discovered their operation, or worse yet, they could've easily killed him right under our nose."

Silence hung thick in the air once again like a suffocating fog as the man sighed and turned his chair to face the other three

"Jungkook," he spoke addressing the black suited man "you are a man of action who takes no account for hesitation and I respect that about you. What you lack, however, is a sharp mind that guides your impulsive nature."

The man, whom now we know as Jungkook, hung his head low sheepishly as he nodded at his boss' comments.

"Seokjin," he spoke again and the addressed man fixed his posture, waiting for his superior's command "provide us with the hotel's security camera footage on the day of the assault along with a list of every single person who booked a room in the hotel after Hoseok, a list of every worker as well as a detailed background of the president of that hotel. Leave no one out of it," he rested his elbows on the desk and crossed his hands under his chin.

"On it sir" replied Seokjin as he started tapping out on his laptop immediately not a second wasted.

"Namjoon, collect the CCTV footage of every building, establishment, or highway surrounding the hotel at a two and half kilometer radius along with Hoseok's whereabouts during the incident" Added the man "because this is how it happened: " he stood up from his chair, a hand in his pocket as he took slow steps towards the same window "based on what Jungkook claimed, killing Hoseok would've been easily achievable for them, they were meticulous and careful, no one would've known about it until his body rotted in the room. But they didn't, which means that wasn't their goal, or he isn't their target. At least not yet."

He continued, "I do believe they were two of them as Jungkook perceived, no more no less, since assuming that, they would need to split into two teams: an operator and an observer, both equally important. One supervises Hoseok and gets him out of the way as the other freely roams the room collecting what they were there for, which eventually created a fatal flaw in their otherwise perfect plan: no one was there to watch over the operator and warn him if a threat is close by. Thus, were they so sure no one will be interrupting the operation, or did they trust the operator's praise worthy ability to handle any sudden threat? We don't know yet, but it almost cost the operator his life" he turned and faced his men, all working while simultaneously listening attentively "Now the threat is here, one of Jungkook's men enters the room and catches the operator by surprise, if the observer was nearby he would've rushed for back up but no, the operator handled it on his own, which means they weren't in a close proximity. The operator manages to corner Jungkook's man enough for him to take his own life and realizes the situation is no more safe and decides to retreat, still doesn't call for the observer regardless... hmm" he closes his eyes, visualizing the scene infront of him "so he is indeed perfectly capable of handling stressful sudden threats on his own but still, this is taking it too far. Is he very confident about his abilities, is he taking us for granted, or is he perhaps... protecting the observer?"

"But that motherfu- I mean the observer -as you call him eventually came, the operator wouldn't have been able to run away if the other one didn't help him" spoke Jungkook, his brain gears audibly turning as he tried to match the Boss' thinking pace.

"Indeed. What a bizarre way to help your subordinate escape by offering yourself as tribute, however, don't you think?" questioned the tall man, albeit to none but himself "protecting each other on the expanse of their own lives, sacrificing for each other... notions that are usually foreign to mere teammates, are they related by blood? Romantic partners?"

"Do you mean lovers? Man what's with the technicality, you almost sound like Holly" chuckled Jungkook.

"I'm still in the process of collecting the guests' names and all of that but there's one thing that peaked my interest," interfered Seokjin "there has been a sudden power outage the night before the incident, now that's completely regular for an establishment with such a heavy overload but that's the keyword there, 'overload'"

"What do you mean" Namjoon's interest was peaked.

"You see, 10 PM –which is the time this power outage occurred- is not typically a peak period for hotels, the weather was nice and their control room is highly maintained which excludes every possibility for a sudden electrical malfunction except for one: an intentional cyber attack" replied Seokjin "and get this! It gets even weirder; imagine being a global company that specializes in energy management and automation in more than 100 countries, and sending only one worker to fix this huge issue in a famous hotel" he added as he turned his pc to the standing man, showing him CCTV footages that showcased a man with his back to the camera, wearing a navy blue attire with Schneider Electrics written on it.

"And what are the odds of this one particular worker knowing the location of security cameras and avoiding to face them like a plague" spoke Jungkook as they watched the man being guided to the electrical control room and entering it.

"Way to go babe, now change the frame, hooks us up with the surveillance camera inside the room" said Namjoon.

"I would've loved that but I can't, they apparently didn't feel the need to install one inside so we're stuck with the one watching the entrance" Replied Seokjin.

Time stretched as they watched the camera guarding the electric room attentively, many entering and leaving it yet no trace whatsoever of the worker with the blue attire, and just as they almost lost hope and doubted their own interpretations, eyebrows furrowed and sighs loud, only one was seeing through it all.

Only one was able to decipher the puzzle they faced.

Only him, the boss, Yoongi.

"There's no point in waiting for him to exit that room, he will not. He used the oldest trick in the book, smart indeed" he spoke calmly "Jungkook, have your men go back there and retrieve the clothes he ditched in the electrical room. Seokjin, follow the blond butler that appeared in the footage. And Namjoon, keep looking in the surrounding CCTVs until you locate his subordinate coming to the rescue. Have these information on my desk before the end of the day."

"Yes Sir" they replied in the voice of one man as they calmly made their way out of Yoongi's office, each eager to fulfill Yoongi's request as soon as he can.

"Jungkook, you stay here." He ordered. 

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