
74 8 4

Seoul, South Korea

Wednesday, November 2nd

8.15 AM

"Was it your University once again, Mr. Park" asked Yoongi while leaning on the front of his desk as they were in his office, Jimin preparing his usual black coffee.

"I beg your pardon Sir?" the younger turned around and tilted his head.

"I was told you left in a rush yesterday, was it your university once again" he repeated, eyes unwillingly too focused on Jimin's slightly tight pants.

"Oh, no not at all" he made his way towards the desktop where he placed the coffee "it was a family matter"

"Family? So your brother" he took a sip ever so calmly, as if he didn't just disclose to Jimin that he had run a background check on him.

"Should I investigate your background as well sir? Are these the norms in this company" retorted Jimin as he stood on his tiptoes hanging his boss' blazer, his arms stretched and his back arched beautifully, leading down to a perfectly round-

"You do not have to go through the trouble" whispered Yoongi in his ear, voice low and husky "you can just ask me, and I will gladly answer" his large hand gently rested on Jimin's waist and the smaller flinched, his fingers started pulling Jimin's button up that was tucked inside his pants ever so slowly, one part after the other all around his waist until the blue-strapped button up was now fully covering Jimin's ass. Only then was Yoongi satisfied.

"S-sir, haven't you been touching me quite a lot lately" spoke Jimin after what seemed to be a lifetime of silence, the CEO never budging from behind him

"You never seem to push me away" replied Yoongi, hands still occupied with straightening Jimin's blouse and mind too absent in the strawberry field he feels like he stepped in.

Jimin turned around carefully and his breath hitched from their close proximity, he felt Yoongi's warm breath on his face as he could easily count his dark eyelashes, and for the first time in almost forever, Jimin locked a gaze with Yoongi. "Your touch doesn't feel threatening" he whispered, heart fluttering upon gaining a momentary confidence due to still sensing the older's hand lingering on his waist.

Yoongi's eyes darkened for a split of a second that went unnoticed by Jimin "If you only knew what goes down my mind whenever you look up at me with those teary eyes of yours, you would never be this defenseless in my presence" the march of time became undeniably slow and the air was noticeably heavy it must be why it got caught in Jimin's lungs. Yoongi's eyes were all over him he could almost feel them, yet it strangely didn't feel as painfully unpleasant as last time, it was rather the sweet type of vulnerable, the desired kind of being seen and wanted.

"Alright I'll be wary then" Jimin's eyes disappeared into two beautiful crescents as he giggled breathily in Yoongi's hold, leaving the –usually calm- CEO's mind in a state of turbulence for the rest of the day.

"Morning Ms. Yun!" chirped Jimin as he stood at the secretary's office, "can I please have yesterday's meeting agenda with Kim&Brothers"

"Morning Jimin," she smiled kindly "Mr. Min had already asked for a copy to be delivered to your desk for the sake of your research, it's weird how didn't he mention it to you?"

Jimin smiled knowing full well why the said CEO became clumsy all of a sudden "that's alright, thank youu" he replied then turned around headed to his office, and in a fleeting moment, his face transformed from an innocent and a playful smile to a haunting expression of determination that casted almost an eerie shadow over his features, the once cute and inviting smile now disappeared without a trace. He reached his office and closed the door behind him, noticing the pile of papers on top of his desktop that must be the agenda he asked for, everything is going smoothly and according to plan... so why does he feel uneasy?

He slumped on the leather rolling chair, all the air in the room suddenly seemed to be insufficient to aid him at swallowing the sudden lump he felt in his throat, and so he took yet another deep breath "Holly, please .. play Runaway by Aurora" he said and the assistant obeyed

"five" he whispered to none but himself, then he cracked his fingers and began working because now is the time for real business.

By 11 AM and as Taehyung was in the market busy bargaining for the price of the vegetables, he received a text from Jimin

Place: Gangnam Business District, Seoul, South Korea

Time: 14.30 AM

Target: Kim Do Yoon and Kim Nam Gil

Success rate: 95%

This text will be self destroyed in 5, 4, 3..

Taehyung smirked as he put his phone back in his pocket "excuse me! Can you please return these Ahjumma? Something important came up" and it was now indeed, time for real business.

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