
56 7 3

Seoul, South Korea

Tuesday, November 1st

9.30 AM

Jimin yawned as he exited the coffee shop –that now became his favorite- and sprinted towards the entrance of ADT Company, careful not to spill his strawberry Frappuccino. He had barely managed to get a wink of sleep due to the aftermath of yesterday's events, his already excessively overthinking mind bombarded him with back to back thoughts that had him lose track of time

Was my reaction too exaggerated? It's the twenty first century no one cares about people's sexual orientations anymore, right?

Will the CEO keep his promise?

Or will I be fired for inappropriateness?? Because there were certainly better times for me to sit on his lap than doing it while the fact that I'm gay was basically being broadcasted

But why was his finger in my mouth to begin with? And "cry prettily"?? who even says that about a grown ass man?

The black haired boy sighed as he exited the elevator and made his way towards his office, hoping today would be a peaceful day since he didn't get to face the one man that his name shall not be spoken so early in the morning.

"Morning Mr. Park," smiled the secretary "Mr. Min is awaiting you in his office"

"Of course he is..." he thought, though he smiled politely at the nice secretary as he thanked her.

"Mr. Min?" spoke Jimin after he knocked gently then opened the door, only to find the CEO busy with a phone call. Yoongi averted his attention towards the youngest and nodded at him to enter and have a seat, then went back to speaking fluent Chinese that had Jimin impressed because what can't this man do?

The office was as neatly organized as always, and the desktop though cramped with work papers and three different computers, was somehow tidy and well ordered with the usual two Montblanc pens to his left and one Smythson notebook to his right. Yoongi was a perfectionist, a high end perfectionist, Jimin concluded.

"Took you long enough, Mr. Park" he said with his calm, raspy voice.

"My apologies sir, I had to stop by the University but it took longer than I had planned" Jimin never had an issue with eye contact, but with this silver head CEO that appeared to be always relentlessly studying every movement he makes, it was just hard for him to look anywhere passed his own feet.

"Well, should I wait even longer for my coffee?" he crossed his arms over his broad chest.

"I'm flattered that you liked my coffee so much you had to wait for me to prepare it though you have six assistants" Jimin made his way towards the coffee machine, eyes rolling and a walk a tad bit sassy.

"Not really, it comes from the same machine so it practically tastes the same" replied Yoongi matter-factly

"Yeah no shit Sherlock" thought Jimin

"Yet I cannot deny the fact that I do enjoy watching you, specifically, prepare it" spoke Yoongi as he took off his glasses and gazed at the smaller's defined back, "tiny head and a nape that would fit right into my palm, defined shoulders and a slim waste, thin arms and-"

"Th-that's enough sir" said Jimin in almost a whisper as he put the cup of coffee before the seated CEO, his cheeks a delicious shade of pink "enjoy your coffee"

"I will" the corner of his lips curved upwards in amusement as he caught yet another whiff of the strawberry sent, though overpowered by the strong smell of coffee "meanwhile, I'd like you to present me with the results of the study I ordered you to conduct about Kim&Brothers before we meet with them this afternoon"

"Yes sir"

Jimin finished his presentation and exited the office at almost midday feeling better than he did earlier this morning, for he is at his best shapes when he works efficiently -it just satisfies the little nerd inside of him. He didn't feel like having a full course meal for lunch so he just opted for a sandwich from the vending machine and ambled his way back to his office, sat down in his chair and busied himself throughout the afternoon.

A little more than two hours in and he received a call from none other than his lovely-annoying brother

"Beautiful Tae Tae" he answered

"Papa called, there's a new mission"

Jimin clenched his jaw, all too familiar with his brother's serious tone "I'm on my way."

"Since no one has anything else to add, we must wrap this up" Spoke Yoongi, and his team immediately started gathering their documents and standing off their chairs

"I do urge you to reconsider our offer, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for us both Mr. Min" hasted Kim Do Yoon, one of the two Kim brothers

"I will start considering when you start offering instead of negotiating, waste my time again and there will be no third meeting." Yoongi is usually calm and stoic, so it's no surprise that his unforeseen serious tone would make a shiver run down the attendee's backs and have them gulp audibly, his team never been happier for not being on the receiving end of it.

"I bet the other Kim peed his pants right then and there" laughed Namjoon in their way out of the meeting hall "now THAT'S my good ol' Yoongi" he patted the CEO's back who sighed and shook his head at the nonsense he was hearing.

"Have Mr. Park follow me to my office, Ms. Yun" said Yoongi as he entered his bureau.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that, Mr. Park has already left ten minutes ago"

Yoongi stopped abruptly "where to?" he asked, eyebrows furrowed

"He did not inform me, though he did seem to be in a hurry" she replied

"He is an intern Yoongi, he is not supposed to work from eight to five" interfered Namjoon, "plus, what's with the special treatment? You had me curious about him"

"Don't." glared the silver haired man, startling the vice president "do not contact him unless necessary, which is never."

"Alright" laughed Namjoon nervously.


"Hello Papa, it's Jimin"

"Oho my dearest child, you are making your papa sad by not calling unless I do" his nice words contradicted his soulless, echoing voice

"My apologies, I will call more often from now on"

"Always the sweetest, and the sharpest as well, for you are already making the ground steps for your and your brother's next mission without you even realize it"

Jimin shared a look with Taehyung, wordlessly asking him for clarification, but the younger slowly shook his head signaling he's as clueless

"My children" his words came out of the phone's voice speaker and echoed through the otherwise calm living room, "AgustD Technologies has something that I need. And I must acquire it"

"To hear is to obey, Papa." 

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