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ADT Company, Seoul, South Korea

Monday, November 7th

8.10 AM

"I would like you all to welcome our newest and most valuable addition to the company," his husky voice resonated through the spacious lobby, and his sharp eyes gazed at everyone and no one simultaneously "the three times Nobel prize winner, Mr. Jung Hoseok"

Jimin stood in the front row clapping alongside the other coworkers, his throughout special training allowed him to skillfully control his facial expressions and for that, he was extremely thankful. For there was nothing that could have possibly prepared him for what his ears were hearing or what his eyes were seeing. This was a clear display of power, Yoongi is well aware of the fact that there are several threats lingering around him and the suspicious man he brought and yet here he is, exposing his cards and daring anyone to sneak a peek at them. All the times Jimin thought he was at least three steps ahead of this man, he was in fact being the furthest behind, he was plagued by following the logic linear of what should normally be done and here was his enemy stepping all over the norms and creating his own rules, forcing Jimin to play by them.

"What predator would knock" Jimin suddenly remembered Yoongi's words, and nothing could be closest to the truth than this is,

Yoongi is indeed a predator, taking his prey by surprise and luring them into their doom.

Upon arriving to his office, Jimin took several deep breaths to try and calm his accelerating heart, the tingling sensation of this cat and mouse chase had him walking on the thin line that separates pure excitement from genuine fear. This is a dangerous yet an addictive game they were playing, better than any rollercoaster, he concluded.

But he still has the upper hand, Jimin has an advantage that he had been so blindly dismissing until today's wake up call, Jimin knows his enemy's identity while Yoongi doesn't who he is. And so he hastily texts his brother to run a throughout background check on Min Yoongi, something seems awfully fishy about this man and Jimin's hunch never failed him.

"Holly" he calls, feeling a bitter after taste on his tongue upon their last encounter, even though the virtual assistant cannot remember it

'Yes Jimin'

"Please play a song for me"

'Of course, what do you feel like hearing today?'

"three..." he whispered to himself


"All I'm saying is that we worked hard for the past couple of years and this is one of the rare occasions where we hired such a high value worker, we should definitely hold some kind of a celebration" Spoke Seokjin as him and Namjoon sat in Yoongi's office

"Or at least let us use the company's card to treat the workers to a dinner" added Namjoon.

"No" blurted Yoongi and Seokjin simultaneously, memories of the last time they gave him the card flashing back in their minds.

"If you finished reporting back the events of the weekend then you are both dismissed" sighed Yoongi as he relocated from the conference table to his desktop, too tired to maintain any type of human interaction.

"But it will be a great way for the interns to unwind too" Namjoon spoke and Yoongi's interest was peaked.

"Y-yes!" added Seokjin hastily as he shared a knowing look with Namjoon "they have their evaluations next week at university, they're even free from working the afternoons for this entire week so they can prepare themselves"

"Next week" murmured the silver haired CEO glancing at the Rolex on his wrist that read 2.25 PM, he tapped away at his laptop and the screen showed none but Jimin's office.

Yes he had surveillance camera installed in Jimin's office, the only surveillance camera that was directly attached to his personal computer,

And no, don't ask him why, he just happens to entertain himself by watching the dark haired boy being himself. His eyebrows furrowed focusing on his work, his head unconsciously swaying as he enjoys the music he plays, the cute little tantrums he quietly throws from frustration after leaving Yoongi's office.

Yoongi liked watching it all, he liked watching him all.

But as the computer displayed the once lively office now empty and quiet, Yoongi thought for a second then "Let it be a brunch then, tomorrow at ten in the morning at The Café Dior"

"Café Dior?? These are college students Yoongi" Seokjin palmed his face "leave the preparations to me for the love of God"

"And I'll inform the workers via emails" said Namjoon as he gathered his documents and buttoned his blazer "this will be fun!"

"Email me the address to the place you'll choose" spoke Yoongi.

"Why? It's not like you'll join or something" they both laughed as they made their way out of the CEO's office.

Yoongi sat up in his chair, a veiny hand supporting his chin as his eyes roamed every inch of the office displayed on the computer screen as if looking for something he had lost in there. He closed his eyes and inhaled, deeply, trying to refresh his memory into recalling one certain odor he seemed to be overly consumed by as of late but to no avail.

He felt an abnormal thirst inside of him, as if his lungs itched to be overwhelmed by the sweet scent of strawberry for a reason he couldn't decipher, he just knows he needs it.

"I just might join" he whispered dangerously. 

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