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"Yes Mr. Park, we are all ears"

The members of the board sat back down attentively anticipating what Jimin had to say, and for a brief second, Jimin regretted his rash decision. Because what part of having social anxiety encouraged him to put himself in the center of attention, and not any attention, for each one of the men that sat across from him held an impressive title that was a result of their undeniably praise worthy career, and this is AgustD Technologies for god's sake.

But Jimin couldn't help it because it's just in him, he had always been a boy with a lot of questions to ask. He was always the one who memorized patterns the quickest and immediately spotted any inconsistency, he was always the one who never feared to speak his mind out and have his questions answered. One way or another.

He took a deep breath, flashed a brief professional smile to encourage none but himself, and when he deemed it right he began,

"AgustD Technologies is undoubtedly the top Korean company currently since it leads the way in this field, it fulfils my vast hunger for knowledge as it inspires me and many young students who aspire to be more creative," he spoke and the silver haired CEO listened, carefully registering Jimin's choice of words and hand movement, the steadiness of his chest that showcased calmness, and the small curve of his lips that signaled there's more he wanted to say.

And Yoongi had been in enough business settings to realize that everything that comes before the word 'but' is a sugarcoated load of nonsense.

"But," said Jimin as he played with the silvery ring on his finger, "I couldn't help but be influenced by Mr. Namjoon's 'ink on paper' speech, thus my question is: beside the chart numbers and the multiple zeros income, what does ADT provide that another company doesn't? In other words, what would I benefit from being an intern here instead of elsewhere? Thank you"

The heavy silence that fell on the room was equally burdening to the interviewers as it was to the interviewees, for Jimin could vividly feel his classmates' glares burning holes in his face and dreading his entire existence. He could sense that they were afraid that his straightforward question might as well cost them the precious opportunity they were all fighting for. But there is no turning back now, and he doesn't regret it. He wouldn't want to work under people whom fragile little ego couldn't handle a simple question to begin with.

"Oh my freaking god I claim him on my team!!! He's mine do you hear me?" Seokjin on the other side was throwing a fit of laughter his stomach almost hurt, all while the others stood there nervously not knowing what the CEO's reaction would be.

"Never knew I hired people who would be alarmed by a college student's curiosity," spoke Yoongi as he eyed how pathetic the board members looked with their mouths slack open at the boy, "bring me his resume and everything that you can collect on him" he finished as he eyed Jimin one last time before he exited the room to keep up with his schedule, the corner of his mouth slightly curved up in amusement.

"That's an excellent question Mr. Park, I'll be thrilled to answer it for you".

The clock read 1 PM as Jimin and his classmates were leaving the company while Holly and the other two 3D assistants bid them farewell, and though he buried his face into his phone and pretended to be extra busy while he was actually just typing random numbers on the calculator, he could still hear the hurtful words his classmates threw at him.

The black haired boy sighed and looked around before crossing the road, and as soon as he spotted a small coffee shop, he quickly picked up his pace feeling his throat dry and his thoughts scattered all over the place, his phone's ringtone pulling him back to reality,


"Oh no, that was definitely NOT the girl boss energy I was hoping to hear, what happened Jiminie?" spoke Taehyung on the other end,

"Well... it was good while it lasted, I guess?" replied Jimin as he paid for his order and left the coffee shop,

"What do you mean while it lasted? It hasn't even started yet!",

"Tae I'll... we'll talk when I'm back home. I will just take a short walk and be there" he hung up before he could hear the other's answer and stood there, watching as the company's building stood tall and proud hovering over the entire city, and wondered whether what he did was the right thing.

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