
65 8 7

Seoul, South Korea

Monday, October 24th

7.45 AM

Jimin couldn't believe his eyes when he read the email that was sent to him by AgustD Technologies saying he was accepted, he couldn't believe it when he was shopping for a new suit, he could neither believe it when he woke up this morning and took a shower, nor as he stood in the bathroom and looked at himself through the mirror as he was combing his hair.

But right now, as he was standing in the middle of the company's lobby along with a long line of other respectable workers –even the 3D character Holly- waiting patiently for the company's CEO to arrive, he would be delusional had he not believed.

As if on cue, and just as the hour read 8AM sharp, the president of the company walked through the glassy doors with a hand in his pocket and another taking the shades off his eyes, his purposeful strides conveying a sense of subtle authority that seemed to reshape the atmosphere in the lobby. This was the first time Jimin and the other two accepted interns would be meeting the founder, so to see him making his way towards them was both exciting and stressful to say the least.

"Good morning," he said with a husky voice that was too deep to suit his appearance, and just as Jimin started to wonder whether being good looking was a must in order to be admitted to this company since every important person seems to be coming straight out of a movie, he noticed that the entire attendees were bowing down to the silver haired man.

Jimin doesn't remember reading this in the contract he signed, as he was never one to merely follow the herd and do as he sees the others doing. But Jimin was also smart enough to understand that he can't afford pissing his boss off on his first day, and so he opted to a reluctant bow that came off so awkward that the tip of his ears flushed with embarrassment.

"First I must congratulate you for being here with us today," spoke Yoongi again with his voice reverberating through the otherwise quiet lobby, "yet, this is just the beginning. AgustD Technologies require hard work, consistency, and most importantly: efficiency" he said addressing the three new interns in a tone that effortlessly captivated attention and demanded undivided heedfulness, "and I trust you will provide us with that and more. Are there any questions"

That was more of a purposeful statement than it was a question, for Yoongi intentionally glanced at one specific intern as he said that, and Jimin hoped to be sucked in by some malicious powers that suddenly erupts from the depth of the earth or any other type of anime situation that would save him from being publicly humiliated. His round, comically wide eyes locked with Yoongi's indifferent ones, and though he internally prepared himself to be scolded by the CEO and then eventually kicked out of the company, he was met by nothing but a faint smirk from the man.

"Alright then, good work everyone." He said as he turned in his heels and made his way toward the elevator, a team of five people following his lead.

Days came and went by pretty smoothly unlike what Jimin feared, the work hours were unexpectedly lenient allowing him to attend his regular university classes along with extra ones for extra credit, and unlike most companies, ADT Company actually paid the interns very handsomely.

On his first day, he was introduced to Ms. Kang who used to be one the CEO's six assistants; she gave them a more detailed tour showing them the frequently needed offices, the cafeteria and Jimin's favorite, the unbelievably large conference halls, as she explained exactly what was expected from them in each department. Later on, the three interns were assigned to three different teams that will change frequently during their internship period, and it was there where Jimin met yet another ethereally handsome man.

"Mr. Park Jimin, I believe" said Seokjin as he smiled widely at the black haired boy, "My name is Kim Seokjin and I happen to be ADT Company's ambassador"

"Pleasure to meet you sir" replied Jimin politely, his lips stretching unconsciously reciprocating the smile.

Seokjin was loud, Jimin learned, yet he was assertive and highly ambitious making him the perfect one for the job. Jimin would accompany the tall man to several meetings and outings where he learned how convincing Seokjin was, wooing the customer into every offer he proposes, or professionally yet elegantly dismissing persistent customers when needed. Jimin learned even more than that when he accidentally walked in on the company's vice president –aka Namjoon- groping the ambassador as they kissed feverishly, and though Seokjin constantly reassured him that it was not his fault, Jimin still wasn't able to look either of them in the eyes without burning with embarrassment.

Due to how reliable and hard working Jimin is, he ended up getting along pretty well with other coworkers too, even reaching the first name base with some of them. Everyone in work seemed to be highly passionate and diligent that the black haired boy felt like he belonged in here. But his introverted nature always managed the best of him, as he genuinely preferred the company of no other than Holly.

"Woah! So you can know certain information about people even without having them in your data base?" Jimin was currently in the company's cafeteria having his lunch, the 3D character Holly sitting across from him as their routine had been for the past two weeks.

'I wouldn't say 'know', but rather estimate, and very trivial information like someone's height or so' she replied, her voice already remarkably enhanced and almost sounding human.

"Still that's amazing!" replied the younger, the excitement making him abandon his meal, "We can easily elevate that into making you deduce a person's job and marital state from scratch! Holly you can quite literally simulate a human being's brain" his eyes were round and sparkling with excitement as he found a new passion.

'HA HA thank you Jimin, I can suggest that to my developer, Mr. Min Yoongi'

Jimin choked on his strawberry juice, the mere mention of the name making his thoughts scatter and his face unreasonably –well very reasonably- flush "N-no! no, or yes just..." he leaned closer, "don't tell him I was the one who suggested that" he whispered, a small hand hiding his mouth.

'Can I know why?' she tilted her head questionably

"Well he umm... he looks kinda scary?" he mumbled, and Holly started laughing as much as a 3D character can, making the younger raise his eyebrow in question wondering what was so funny.

The scene attracted one certain silver haired man that was patrolling the area, he stood still suddenly, startling the secretary who walked behind him informing him with the details of the next meeting, as he watched closely

"Did you actually program Holly to laugh?" asked Namjoon as he stood beside the CEO, "that's creepy man"

Yoongi didn't reply, his eyes flickering from Holly to the audacious intern chatting carelessly with his first ever invention in his company.

Yoongi was curious.

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