
65 9 1

Seoul, South Korea

Wednesday, October 19th

9 AM

Jimin thought he had seen it all, well most of it online but still, he thought he had lost the ability to be aw-strucked anymore, but boy did AgustD Technologies company building had him almost drooling ever since he set foot in it.

He had initially feared that the inside of the company would look like a robots' apocalypse, since for some reason, whenever a certain corporation wanted to publicize the image of being modern and up to date, they'd always have a handful of robots roaming the building with their autotuned voice that caused the creeps for Jimin, along with the white walls, white desks, white blouses, and basically white everything. But that was not the case in here.

ADT Company, if anything, felt alive. 

There were natural light sources basically wherever your sight went, all aiding the different type of indoor plants that subtly adorned the company's lobby. And though the building's overall appearance was undeniably somber, it perfectly suited the aesthetic as it enhanced the quality of the 3D assistants that were accompanying him and the other selected students on a brief tour around the fascinating building.

"As much as we have enjoyed your company, it is high time for our last stop, and the beginning of your own journey," said the one of the 3D characters as they stopped at a large door where Jimin could read 'V.President Kim Namjoon', "farewell for some of you, and we will be thrilled to work with you for others" finished the 3D character as they smiled and waved at the group of the astonished students and faded.

The door suddenly cracked open, startling the students who were still wondering where was the visual source of the characters hidden, revealing a tall man with shoulders so broad Jimin was positive he could easily mistake him for a celebrity if he ever saw him outside of the company context.

"Welcome to our company" he spoke with a resonant voice befitting to his appearance, only for him to smile and startle them with an irresistible dimple that formed on his cheeks and had all of the other students unconsciously smile back at him.

"I trust that Holly and her two friends have shown you around well, have they?" he asked as he guided them inside.

"Holly?" spoke one student

"Oh, the main 3D assistant's name is holly, I believe she is programmed to introduce herself before starting to speak? I guess someone hasn't been paying attention" teased Namjoon as he enjoyed how flustered the student who asked became, a smile crept up Jimin's face as the nice vice president evidently succeeded in easing his and the other students' stress out.

"Please, have a seat" said Namjoon as he pointed at the ten chairs that were aligned side to side inside of the office; across those chairs was a rather large table with four chairs behind it that were clearly meant for the interviewers.

"As you all know," said Namjoon as he ignored the chairs and leaned on the table, his professional voice back once again, "our company has chosen you based on several criteria; your grades, your level of involvement in social clubs, your achievements in the university, and many more" Jimin felt his stomach drop, knowing full well he only ticked one or two of those boxes, "yet all of the above would be meaningless depending on how you do today. In other words, our company does not rely on the ink on paper, it's currently up to you whether you make or break the valuable chance we are providing"

"The interview will be collective rather than separate," he said as he went behind the table, unbottoned his maron blazer with one hand and sat down legs crossed, "the hiring manager and two of the executives will join me as we will ask you a variety of questions. As I urge you to expect everything starting from possible work issues' situations, and ending by how many family members you have" he added with a voice that dripped of seriousness, "now, shall we."

The rest of the board members joined Namjoon as the interview started, and though Jimin's palms would end the world's water shortage from how sweaty they were, he had always been a master when it comes to concealing his anxiety and showing extreme confidence and professionalism.

Succumbing to Taehyung's wish, Jimin purchased a well fitted, navy blue suit that hugged his lean figure perfectly, the blazer's sharp edges enhanced his perfect posture as he sat graciously with his back straight and hands carefully placed on his thighs. His jet black hair was neatly separated in the middle looking as shiny and healthy as ever, the edges of it faintly brushing the tip of his ears from how long it was. And though his persistent brother urged him to put a shred of blush or a lip tint, Jimin deemed it unprofessional and opted to his usual strawberry scented lip balm.

Jimin looked good, he felt good, and that provided him with a much needed load of confidence that he perfectly showcased throughout the interview.

"This is undeniably impressive, they have been answering the questions back to back, almost the tricky ones as well" spoke a well suited man that carried a notebook on which he continued writing, earning a nod from the other attendees. For what the students failed to notice was what seemed to be a regular piece of art of The Fallen Angel hanged on the room they were in was in fact see through, allowing the rest of the executives along with other workers to watch and hear the interview from the next room through that exact piece of art.

"This is one of Korea's top Universities we are speaking of, it would be a shame if they were any less" spoke Seokjin, the company's ambassador, all while the CEO stood there watching with arms crossed over his chest, his face relaxed yet his eyes carefully examining each one of the candidates.

"Alright, this pretty much concludes the interview I believe" said Namjoon as he and the board members began collecting and sorting their documents, clear signs of relief showcased on the candidates' faces, "anyone have any questions?" he asked.

The students smiled politely at Namjoon, some shook their head while others politely refused,

"I do" a sweet yet a firm voice spoke

"Of course," replied Namjoon smiling, "can you remind us with your name?"

"My name is Park Jimin" and even before he started asking the question, he could already notice how the other board members were displeased and the rest of the candidates evidently shocked.

Little did he know that the CEO with the stoic expression was, too, taken aback as he watched him carefully with an eyebrow raised in question.

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