
44 5 1

Seoul, South Korea

Tuesday, November 9th

9 PM

Earlier this day and right after Jimin entered his office and closed the door behind; a futile attempt to chase away the thought of another man flirting with Yoongi right across from that same door, Jimin sat down in his chair with a heavy heart yet a clear mind. The goal of this entire mission never been this prominent and worthwhile for him. He finished the work he was assigned then immediately started creating a detailed portfolio for each and every person surrounding Yoongi regardless of their proximity: his close subordinates, his six assistants, and the new chaebol that appeared, while focusing intently on Namjoon, Seokjin, and Hoseok.

Jimin then studied the routes leading to Yoongi's mansion based on Taehyung's reports and the multiple information he acquired upon flying his drone around the property for several days, he then analyzed every possibility that enables them to swiftly attain what they are after in a quick 'in and out' operation, including their advantages and shortcomings in relation to the sources he and Taehyung had available.

Jimin had had enough of lurking around waiting for the perfect opportunity; he is now settled on creating one for himself.

And just as he was about to start constructing a plan, a voice came from the earphone he had been wearing since the day he placed bugs around Hoseok's hotel room suggesting that the man was now talking, and seeing how no second voice was heard then the man was probably on the phone, and upon hearing a certain name Jimin came to the conclusion that Hoseok was on the phone with none other than the silver haired CEO where they planned a day for Hoseok to finish developing project Eyes Of God from inside Yoongi's private lab in his mansion.

The day they planned is Thursday, November 11th.


A perfect opportunity for a short breach in Yoongi's otherwise highly secured house, on a perfect day since Jimin is now determined to wrap this up as soon as he can.

And so Jimin is now with Taehyung in their house as the two of them are preparing for the third and final base of this mission: execution.

"There are three things we should put into consideration," spoke Jimin as he turned the shower head on, played a loud song on the living room's speaker, and turned their TV on, all in an attempt to create disruption in case their conversation is being spied on "One: the tight security on Yoongi's house –the guards, the invisible laser, and the face recognition doors. Two: Yoongi himself, it's true that we checked his background multiple times and figured out it's clean"

"Clean as fuck, might I add" interfered Taehyung as he took the green eyelenses off after successfully taking a new passport picture for his new post-mission identity, "too clean if you ask me".

"Yes, but despite that I still feel wary of him. And knowing he's the developer and the commander we should completely isolate him from the area of operation, which is his own house."

"And three?" questioned Taehyung

"Three: the attackers we faced in the scientist's hotel room, they could either be sent by a different organization going after project Eyes Of God or worse, they could be working under Yoongi himself" Jimin finished, his eyes unfocussed as if he's looking through things and not at them, a sign of his high concentration.

"Alright Jimin give me something to work with here, everything you say is against us"

"Not exactly" smirked the black haired boy as he sat up and brought his pc to his lap, illustrating a picture of the infrastructure of Yoongi's house to Taehyung "as for his house; the guards have no clue what Hoseok looks like since he's a very careful man with absolutely no picture of him circulating around, and that's our biggest advantage"

"Great, I can drug him midway then throw on a white lab blouse and some round spectacles and it'll completely fly over their heads"

"While that's a decent option, it's time consuming. Remember we have no clue where is Yoongi's lab located exactly in his house and searching for it will take time. Instead you will sneak in Hoseok's car and straight to the insides of Yoongi's house, then on use your creativity to silence Hoseok and have him lead you to it. As for the motion detecting laser, observing it using the heat detector on the drone showed that there are certain time periods in which it's turned off, but regardless we will be safe from it since we are operating on land"

"And no face recognition needed since Hoseok is my winning card"

"Precisely, as for Yoongi" Jimin bit his lip, an idea that is both so wrong yet so suitable lingering on his mind, a date idea "leave him to me. Thus, the only drawback to this plan is that we'll be working very far away from each other, with a huge possibility of not being able to hold contact"

"And? It's not like this is our first time" spoke Taehyung with overflowing confidence "we are not the perfect partners for nothing, let's trust our guts and it'll be alright"

"Yeah, and I've taken several safety measurements so we wouldn't need to worry" smiled Jimin reassuringly, and before he had the chance to continue his explanation, their landline phone started ringing. The two boys looked at each other in utter surprise as they know full well who's the only one who can contact them using it.

"Papa" Jimin picked up the phone, immediately putting it on speaker so Taehyung could hear "to what do we owe the pleasure of hearing your voice"

"Well that is saddening" a chilling voice was heard from the other end "Need I a reason to inquire about my favorite sons?" he laughed, though emptily.

"Not at all, it's a pleasure to occupy a portion of your time" rushed Jimin as he caught Taehyung's hand to reassure him, the other visibly restless.

"You have a way with words dear son, you always had" he spoke and they listened "which is precisely why I'm calling. There is a car waiting outside of your house in which Taehyung must be, you will proceed in this mission on your own Jimin for I trust you are perfectly capable of it"

"No!" Jimin shouted immediately and the atmosphere shifted, Taehyung's eyes widened in a mixture of astonishment and dread as he shook his head fiercely at his brother's reckless behavior "I- I mean th-"

"No, you say" his voice dropped an octave lower making blood freeze in their veins "upon this mission, we will have a talk about your manners dear Jimin."

"M-my apologies Papa that was insolent of me, I meant to say we are already amidst the execution of the final stage of our plan and without Taehyung by my side, I would have to come up with new strategies which will take longer, I would hate to keep you waiting even longer"

"I see" the voice came after long moments of silence "I suppose we can delay the mission we had for him, I will be waiting for the good news then. Farwell children"

The phone disconnected and the air finally started feeling breathable, and before any further word was spoken, a slap landed across Jimin's face.

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