then you walked in and my heart went boom

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James Potter has spent the good part of three years asking Regulus Black out. If he were to count, James think he must have asked him out fifty times. But coming up to the beginning of fifth year, he begins to wonder if it’s a futile attempt, if Regulus Black will ever say yes.

And then… and then Regulus Black does.


James Potter thinks if he dies now, he’d die a happy man.


“I said,” Regulus Black huffs, black hair spilling over his gorgeous, furious grey eyes in a way that James has spent many, many lessons daydreaming over, “would you like to go to the Slug Club welcome dinner. Tonight. With me.”

“Is this – is this a prank? Am I dreaming?”

“Forget I asked,” Regulus mutters, eyes flattening as he turns on his heel. The corridor that he’s stopped James in during his Prefect rounds is empty, his footsteps reverberating against stone walls as he stalks away. James Potter is a gentleman and absolutely does not look at his ass. He groans inwardly. It’s such a good ass though.

He’s two seconds away from possibly drooling before he realises the only reason he can actually appreciate Regulus’ ass is because he’s walking away.

James stumbles over his own feet to stop him, grabbing a hold of his upper arm to turn him around.

“Wait, wait, don’t do that. Don’t go,” James says, breathless. His hand is still on Regulus’ arm, who looks at it pointedly until he snatches it away. “Sorry – no touching, I forgot, I swear. I just need a second to comprehend what you said over the sound of my heart racing.”

“For Merlin’s sake – “

“Yes,” James blurts out, before he can tell him to fuck off. “Yes. I’ll go to the dinner with you.”

Regulus looks at him warily. It’s actually an ache in James’ chest, the realisation of how beautiful he is.

“Okay. Be ready for 6.”


At 11 years old, James Potter isn’t really aware that he’s kind of a prick.

In his defence, it’s not really a harmful prickishness. He’s not the kind of prick that pushes people over or makes fun of them for things they can’t really help like where they live or what they wear. But being the son of Fleamont and Euphemia Potter, owners of Sleekeasy Hair, had given him a quite permanent silver spoon wedged between his teeth before he even had teeth. It’s not his fault that he had grown up in what he would call comfort and others would call lavish finery. By the time he's reached the age to leave home for Hogwarts, James has lived a very full life at home with his parents. He had never known anything aside from the love and security his parents had bathed him in, like the soft glow of the lamp as James watched his parents dance in the study.

Before coming to Hogwarts, James has never realised that there could be people out there who might not like him.

Hogwarts sweeps him up in a whirlwind of autumn leaves, of flying on his broom over the empty Quidditch pitch as the sun sets over the Scottish horizon, of new faces, of classes he hadn’t known much about during his home-schooling, of pranks with new friends. He meets Sirius Black, a lanky sort of guy with black hair curling above a pale and almost severe face, on the train when they both line up for the toilet.

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