a story told in time

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Regulus and James had gotten together when they were 18. It had made Regulus the happiest he ever thought he would be. Until it had broken him.

(He was still trying to pick up the pieces.)


James and Regulus had been together for 2 weeks when James had gotten a new job offer. He was going to be working under a female boss, and his cousin had been giving him shit about it. That almost made him late, would've made him late if not for Regulus.

(Sometimes, maybe, it hurts to think his name.)

Regulus, who came over in the middle of his shift, because James was having a breakdown, because James cared so much about his stupid cousin. And of course Regulus got it, after living in that house for so long.

(Maybe James wished that he didn't have to go through all that.)

And then James had panicked. Because he was going to be late. And he couldn't find the damn car keys. And then Regulus was tossing them to him. And James was out the door in a second. Without even a thank-you, he was too flustered.

(Maybe he regretted that now.)

Regulus had said something, and he had frozen, halfway out the door. "Hey, James?"

He nodded mutely.

"Fuck the patriarchy."

Perhaps that was really when he had fallen in love.


Regulus and James had been together for 3 weeks and 2 days when they went on a long drive together. They were going to see Sirius, because their mother had died and their father was angry, and because Regulus was worried and James had come along to comfort him. James doesn't comfort him anymore.

(But maybe he wished he did. Maybe Regulus wished for comfort when he saw a shooting star.)

It had been turning autumn, and leaves had been falling steadily, like rain. They had parked there, almost causing them to get lost, with the leaves, and James had distracted him until he stopped freaking out. James had sung a song, horribly, and it had made James laugh. Regulus had been too focussed on saving the memory, the beautiful memory, of James's laugh, to laugh himself. But he had been sufficiently distracted. Regulus doesn't get distracted anymore.

(But maybe he wanted to lose himself in his smile again.)


James and Regulus had been together for 3 weeks and 4 days when Regulus first stayed over at James's house. They had put on a movie. They had made popcorn. They had kissed and laughed and gotten drunk off of happiness and each other's presence. They had danced in the kitchen illuminated by the refrigerator light, laughing and smiling, and James had felt so happy, so sure that this was his forever person, even though it had been only three weeks, and so content.

(Maybe he hadn't been that happy and sure and content since. Maybe he selfishly hoped that he wasn't either.)


James and Regulus had been together for 3 months when he introduced Regulus, formally, to his parents. The day had gone wonderfully. Regulus got along excellently with his parents. Until he hadn't.

He'd left his scarf there, that night. James had kept it. It smelt like Regulus, and it reminded him of him when he was upset. He had kept it in a drawer in his bedroom, and he still had it. Even now.

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