invisible string (Part 2/2)

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That night, Regulus was lying in his bed and refusing to let himself fall asleep. He was planning to stay up all night, eyes fixed on a clock until he inevitably teleported into James' bed. Screw Quidditch practice, it wasn't like his captain could bench him for the game on Saturday, their team couldn't win without Regulus as their seeker.

It was exactly midnight when he blinked and appeared in James' bed, laying on his side as he had been in his own bed. He immediately sat up and reached for the wand that he had stuffed in his sock so he had access to it when he teleported here. James had begun to stir and Regulus didn't need to be confronted by James in the middle of the night so he pointed his wand and uttered a sleeping charm, sending the Gryffindor back to unconsciousness.

He then scrambled out of the bed and through the curtains, praying that none of James' dorm mates were still awake or out of their beds. Once he was sure it was clear, he walked briskly towards the door and ran down the stairs once the door was clicked shut behind him.

He avoided all Gryffindors on Tuesday during the day, flanked on either side by Pandora and Evan. Barty talked ahead with a scowl on his mouth and his wand in his head, making sure the coast was clear with the assurance that he would cast hexes first and ask questions later. Dorcas trailed behind them when her classes were in the same place, making sure no one snuck up on them from behind. Regulus had an immense fear that James had told his friends and the whole Gryffindor house, and had thus prepared himself to be hexed left and right and spat at for his actions.

Dorcas had admitted that James had attempted to approach her after one of their classes together, chasing her down the hallway but she had shut him down quickly with a wave of her wand, uttering a jelly-legs jinx that made him collapse.

It was late in the afternoon on Tuesday and he had hidden himself in an alcove with a book, tucked into the corner out of sight to anyone passing by when he heard two familiar voices in the corridor. He held his breath as Pete and Remus conversed with each other, waiting to hear whether two other voices joined them. However, it seemed that it was only the two of them. They seemed to have stopped just outside the alcove where Regulus was hidden and he could now make out their conversation.

"I agree, James has been acting quite strange," Regulus picked up on Peter telling Remus.

"Did you see him try talking to the Slytherin girl that Marlene likes?" Remus asked.

"That was strange. What do you think that was about?"

"Hmm, not quite sure. I think James had a question to ask her."

"What about?" Peter asked.

"I think he was looking for someone."

"A Slytherin?"

"Possibly, that is her house after all."

"Whatever for?"

"I think something happened on Monday, he's been out of sorts since then," Remus told his friend.

"He get hexed by a Slytherin or something?"

"James seemed guilty. I think he wanted to talk about something. Don't think it was something about a spell."

"Well I hope he gets it sorted out, I want James back to his normal self."

"What, pining and sappy about the person he likes?" Remus asked.

Regulus recoiled at that. James liked someone? No wonder he got so upset and disgusted that Regulus kissed him. James was already chasing someone else. Was it that Lily girl he had liked a couple of years ago? Regulus wanted to cry all over again.

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