Flirting With Danger

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When Regulus goes undercover for a case, Dumbledore tells James he has a job for him. James says no, and consequences ensue.

TW: Assassin James Potter


"Happy birthday, baby," James whispered into Regulus' ear when he noticed Regulus was waking up.

"Don't remind me," Regulus grumbled as he buried himself further into James' chest.

"Twenty-five isn't that old, Reg," James chuckled as he carded his fingers through Regulus' hair.


James had been planning Regulus' birthday party for the last month and it was killing him to keep it a secret. Although, he was pretty sure that Regulus saw right through him, like always. Sirius and Remus would be coming over in a few hours for a small get-together and that was all James had told Regulus was going to happen. The bigger surprise was coming later that night after dinner.

Regulus lifted his head and glared at James for a minute before he shook his head and groaned again.

"I told you not to plan anything."

"Who says I planned something? Remus and Sirius are coming over for lunch but that's it and I told you about that," James replied innocently.

"I know you, Jamie." Regulus sat up a little to look at James properly. "You are incapable of keeping a secret from me."

"That's not true."

"Name one secret you kept from me that I didn't figure out."

"My job," James said matter-of-factly.

He was able to keep that secret for seven years. Would have been longer if somebody didn't intervene. James still wasn't sure how Regulus came across the photo of him and his mark two years ago, not that he hadn't tried to figure it out. He knew that Regulus was a great detective but he wouldn't have searched that out. James never gave him a reason to or at least he didn't think he did. Regulus had also not told him how the photo came into his possession.

"Aside from that."


"Exactly. You've never been able to keep secrets from me unless it was a matter of life and death."

"Fine." James threw his hands up in surrender. "But I still didn't plan anything."

"Fine, don't tell me, but if something happens because of it I'm going to kill you," Regulus threatened but there was no heat behind it.

"No, you won't," James said lovingly as he kissed Regulus on the cheek before rolling them over and straddling his hips.

"No, I won't," Regulus sighed before a mischievous smirk took over his face as he ran his hands up the sides of James' torso.

Three hours later, Sirius came bursting in the door and tried to knock Regulus down with his embrace, but Regulus stepped to the side at the last second and Sirius fell on his ass. James tried not to laugh but he couldn't help it with the sound that came out of Sirius' mouth when he hit the ground and the look of indignation when he turned around and stared at Regulus, who just shrugged and walked back into the kitchen.

"What the fuck, Reggie!" Sirius exclaimed as he followed Regulus into the kitchen.

"It's not my fault that you can't seem to stay on your feet."

"Yes, it is!" Sirius exclaimed. "You moved."

"And this surprises you how?"

"Stop being a little shit."

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