Love Me Tender

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Regulus and James through the years. The happy ending we all deserve.


Regulus couldn't tear his eyes away. He simply couldn't. Every part of him was enthralled by the scene in front of him. James–the love of his life, his Sun, and husband of two years–holding their newborn baby, Harry James Potter. This was everything he had ever wanted. His life was perfect now. There was nothing more he could ever ask for.

James stared down in awe at the child before him. It seemed that the only physical trait Harry inherited from the Black family was his long eyelashes and–he was assuming–his silver eyes, which Regulus was grateful for. He loved that their son had all of James' genes and only a little of his own. He would take any excuse to have more of James around.

"Come here, my star," James spoke softly so as to not wake the baby.

Regulus walked toward him as if he were a planet being pulled into orbit.

"Do you want to hold him?" James asked, love filling his eyes.

Regulus looked up at James. What if I mess our son up by merely touching him?

James seemed to have read his mind because he immediately pulled his brows together and brought his free hand to Regulus' cheek and cupped it. "You are going to be a great father, you are not going to mess him up. Harry will love you almost as much as I do," James whispered and leaned closer to rest his forehead against Regulus's.

They stood like that for quite some time as the St. Mungo's workers and patients moved around them, but they never moved. The moment was too precious to end.

"Reg! Reg!" James yelled from the other room.

" What , Jamie? Why are you yelling when I'm literally one room over?" Regulus sassed and walked into the next room.

Regulus' breath hitched and eyes watered at the sight. James was kneeling on the ground with his arms open wide, smiling like there was no tomorrow, and in front of him was little Harry taking his first steps.

"You're doing so good, little star," James praised.

Harry giggled and brought his hands to his face as he did every time James called him that.

The second Harry was close enough, James scooped him up and threw him in the air. "You're amazing! You did so well!" He hugged him close and made eye contact with Regulus who had yet to move.

"You want to walk to Papa?" James said quietly as if it were a secret the two of them shared.

Harry nodded enthusiastically. Regulus smiled and knelt on the opposite side of the rug.

James set him down, facing Regulus, and waited for Harry to let go of his hands before sitting back.

Harry stuck his tongue out ever so slightly trying to focus. He nudged up his glasses and looked up at Regulus, his silver eyes sparkling like he knew just how proud he was making them.

Regulus swallowed down the lump that formed in his throat as Harry reached out for him a few steps away. Regulus reached out and snatched him up, pulling him into a tight hug.

"You're growing up so fast, mon cheri," Regulus whispered.

"I am not!" Harry giggled.

"Oh, but you are. I remember bringing you home from the hospital like it was just yesterday," Regulus said and pulled Harry into eye view. "I'm so proud of you, Harry."

When the Sun and Stars Unite (Jegulus Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now