a boy named after a star (and it starts with the sun)

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"Okay, how about I start a new story then? I could tell you about how Moony and I met."

"But I already know that story," Harry whined.

That was a fair point, he had to give it to him. So Sirius thought for a second, of what story he could tell his godson to stop him from missing his dads and help him fall asleep. Then it hit him and a soft smile appeared on his face.

"How about the story of a boy named after a star? Would you like to hear that one?" Harry contemplated this before nodding slightly. "Alright, settle in then. This is the story of a boy named after a star. And it starts with the sun."



Sirius sighed and dropped his head onto the back of the couch. Harry truly had a set of lungs on him for a 5 year old. He was starting to regret telling Regulus and James that they would watch him for the weekend. Remus laughed and set his book down in his lap.

"You know he is just going to keep yelling."

"Maybe," Sirius whispered, "If we say nothing, he will think we fell asleep too." Remus rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. For a few moments there was blissful silence. Sirius had just started to lean into Remus' side when...


Remus snorted as Sirius groaned and stood up. He mumbled something about being right back before heading to their spare room that had over the years , naturally, became Harry's room. Normally he had all the time in the world for Harry, but today had truly been exhausting because Regulus, the little shit he is, let his son have the sweetest snacks in the world before dropping him off. So the toddler had been going non-stop all day long.

He pushed the door open and found his godson sitting up in his bed, clutching his teddy to his chest tightly. Harry was fighting sleep as his eyelids drooped a little. He was pouting, his bottom lip pushed out and he was attempting his puppy dog eyes. Yeah, he definitely wanted something.

"Hey, little one. Everything okay?" He spoke softly from the doorway, hoping that it was something small like Harry wanting a glass of water. Too bad he knew his godson and there was no way he was going to be leaving soon.

"I miss Dad and Papa." Harry said while rubbing his eyes.

Sirius felt his face soften and he made his way over to the bed. He pulled Harry into his side and the child welcomed the embrace gratefully. He truly took after James in that aspect, a born cuddler.

"It's only a few days, kid. You hate being around me and Uncle Moony that much?" He smiled as Harry grumbled.

"No. I just miss them. And Papa was going to read to me more from the story book. The one about the two princes."

Sirius hummed, "Want me to finish the story for you?" He vaguely recalled a similar story that he and Regulus read a lot as kids. One that Narcissa had read them for the first time when she was watching them. He might miss a few details but he could manage.

This was apparently not a decent solution for Harry because he just sighed loudly, "No, Padfoot. You won't tell it like Papa does. It's not the same."

A chuckle escaped him before he could stop it. Cuddles like James, with the sass of Regulus. This kid was theirs through and through.

"Okay, how about I start a new story then? I could tell you about how Moony and I met."

"But I already know that story," Harry whined.

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