For Now You Love Me (Part 3/5)

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James hadn't intended on letting his mood get to him, and in all honesty he hadn't been on the outs with Sirius like this since second year when they fought over who was going to cast the detonation spell on the fireworks they'd put in the Great Hall. But not having night time chats, not having Sirius crawling into his bed when Moony was too warm, or sharing glances in class...

It was a lot.

James and Sirius were nearly adults and he should be able to handle something like this.

But he wasn't.

He stabbed at his eggs, feeling moody and irritated, pointedly not looking over where Sirius was also poking forcefully at his breakfast. It was not the state of mind James wanted to be in before their Quidditch match. He had exactly thirty minutes before he had to be on the pitch, his head in Captain space, and prepared to beat Slytherin.

Which, in hindsight, held its own set of problems considering Regulus was on the team and now that they were dating—at least according to the Student and Staff body, people were watching.


He sighed and reached for his tea when he heard Peter make a sort of strangled, squeaking noise. James glanced up, and his vision was suddenly full of green and silver Quidditch robes. He blinked, his mouth opened to say something, but the words died on his tongue when a calloused, warm hand fell on his cheek.


Regulus gave a pointed look to Sirius who was trying not to look like he was watching. Then he leant down and dragged his lips, slow and easy, across James'. "I shouldn't tell you good luck today but...good luck, James."

"Erm." James blinked rapidly, and was stunned by Regulus' smirk, and the way he moved in the robes, and the way he squared his shoulders as he walked out.

The hall doors slammed, and James was forced back into himself. He glanced over and saw the way Remus and Peter were smirking at him, and his blush rose so fast it made him dizzy. "Shut it."

Remus snickered. "We didn't say anything, Prongs."

Peter smiled. "Yeah. But you know...good luck."


James spun in a circle, his hands in his hair tugging almost frantically. He'd been dragged under the bleachers by one flustered Regulus Black, who looked equally as panicked. "They're here. How...what...why. Why are they here?" Reaching out, he grabbed Regs by the front of his robes and shook him. "Why the bloody hell are they here?"

"Your stupid best mate has done this," Regulus spat, shoving James' hand away. "This is his fault. And by proxy your fault. He would have been a decent, quiet Slytherin if it hadn't been for you on the train."

James rolled his eyes. "That is a lie and we both know it. And frankly you know I've been good for him. Your parents are terrible and..."

"Can we not do this right now?" Regulus begged. "We have to go play a sodding quidditch match, and then pretend to be dating in front of our parents. Who, by the way, are probably trying to arrange our wedding." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Why was I cursed with this family? And you?"

"Who owled whom, eh?" James asked moodily, kicking at Regulus' shin. "And you could do a lot worse, Black."

Regulus looked up with a quirked brow. "Yeah. And you'd be fine chained to me the rest of your life, would you? Sharing a marital bed?"

Regulus clearly meant it to be a dig, but James found the idea...well, rather tingly in his fingers and toes, and he couldn't do more than flap his mouth open and shut in lieu of answer.

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