voice memo: i love you.

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"You have... one voice message from..." the AI paused again before continuing, "J'aime."

Regulus blew out the smoke from his lips and stared down at his phone that was resting on his crossed legs. He flicked the ash off his cigarette and grabbed his phone.

"Would you like to listen to the voice message?" The AI asked with its flat tone.

"... Yes," Regulus replied. "Play the voice message."

"Playing... 'Voice Message #237, 22nd of August' from J'aime."

"Hello, Regulus, light of my life, the brightest star in my sky," James' voice was soft and a little raspy, just like how Regulus remembered it to be.

"Hi, Jamie," Regulus whispered.


"You have... one voice message from..." the AI paused again before continuing, "J'aime."

Regulus blew out the smoke from his lips and stared down at his phone that was resting on his crossed legs. He flicked the ash off his cigarette and grabbed his phone.

"Would you like to listen to the voice message?" The AI asked with its flat tone.

"... Yes," Regulus replied. "Play the voice message."

"Playing... 'Voice Message #237, 22nd of August' from J'aime."

Regulus placed his phone down on his lap again and waited.

There was a buzzing sound at the beginning of the voice message, like a glitching old television, before it gradually disappeared. Then Regulus could hear the thudding sounds of rapid footsteps, as if someone was running, accompanied with a laugh and a string of curses leaving someone's mouth.

A beat, and then two, before Regulus finally heard the familiar chuckle that had always managed to make his heart tremble. He took a drag of his cigarette and looked up towards the sky. The smoke that left his lips had blended in with the puffy clouds, and the sun was shining brightly, its rays piercing through the shade of the tree Regulus was resting under.

"Sorry, Sirius was being annoying again. He won't leave me alone even after I told him I was about to record a message for you," James whispered.

In the background, someone let out an offended gasp and said, "How dare you?! I only asked you to help me pick an outfit!"

"Same thing in my books, Pads," James said. Regulus could even imagine him shrugging or sticking his tongue out while saying that.

"Ugh, fine, I'll leave you alone to go talk and romance my baby brother. Fucking flirts." Then there was the sound of James' cackling and a door being slammed shut.

A small smile formed on Regulus' lips. He was used to James and Sirius' antics. He missed their chaos a lot, in fact.

"Hello, Regulus, light of my life, the brightest star in my sky," James' voice was soft and a little raspy, just like how Regulus remembered it to be.

"Hi, Jamie," Regulus whispered, closing his eyes and imagining James sitting right in front of him. He could see him very clearly: sunlight hitting his brown skin, his hazel eyes crinkling into crescents when he smiles, a mess of unruly hair hidden under his favourite cap. He'd be wearing one of his favourite linen shirts along with a pair of jeans and his worn-out Converse.

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