Stealing the Seeker (Part 2)

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Mopping the floor with Slytherin used to be more fun.

James attempts to dismiss the wayward thought but finds he can't. Ever since Reggie became the team Seeker two years ago, every victory Gryffindor scored over them turned bittersweet. Even now, as he accepts congratulations and slaps on the back from his teammates, his eyes wander over to Regulus, standing apart from his team, haughty face all pale and twisted in pain. The sadness written over the younger Black's expression douses any embers of joy glowing in James's chest. He hates that his elation comes at the expense of Regulus's misery. A long time ago, he hoped they might connect over their shared love of the sport, but it only drove a deeper wedge between them.

One more reason for Reggie to despise me.

Some rivalries are tough to overcome with kind words, but James, the unbeatable optimist, still hopes. Hopes that one of these days, Regulus will look at him with tenderness instead of the scowl that screws up his elegant features into something that sits painfully in James's chest.

"Good game, James!"

His three friends bound toward him, shouting with joy. When they reach him, Sirius drowns him in a sloppy hug, smacking a kiss on his cheek, while Remus observes his idiot boyfriend with a soft smile on his face. Peter jumps up and down with excitement.

"Did you see the Slytherin's mugs? They looked like they drank a cauldron of Sourpuss Solution."

"Can't say I feel sorry for them." Sirius rearranges their position so he can walk beside James with one arm draped over his shoulders as they slowly head for the castle.

"Odd that Reggie let Mary beat him. He's been off his game lately. Did he mention anything to you?" he asks James.

"Regulus barely says 'hullo' to me. So no, Pads, he didn't drop in for a spot of tea and a quick chat to explain what's bothering him."

James's retort is a hair sharper than usual for his easy-going attitude, and Remus sends him a questioning look.

"Guess he's just being a prat," Sirius says with a deep sigh and peels off James to attach himself to his boyfriend.

"I think he's having trouble adjusting," Remus says, trying for a somber tone but failing spectacularly when Sirius slips a hand under his robes and tickles his side. An undignified snort slips out, but he wriggles away and thumps Sirius on the shoulder.

"Okay, okay, I'm listening." Sirius puts his hands up. "Adjusting to what?"

"His new living arrangements?"

"We had to get him out of there. They'd kill him or worse," James chokes out. His throat closes up when he thinks about Reggie alone in that house with those monsters. Bile rises up and coats his tongue with a sharp tang. The feeling of low-level dread clamping the back of his neck at the thought is what prompted him to convince Sirius that kidnapping his brother was a good idea.

"I think Regulus knows, deep down, but that doesn't mean he's wholly accepted it yet. He probably will, in time. If he's anything like his brother, he's clever."

"Brilliant. And handsome. Don't forget handsome."

Sirius grins at Remus, who beams back, and they disappear into their lovey-dovey bubble. James wants to throw up, but settles for making a gagging noise. When they reach the castle, he can't conjure up much excitement about the celebration of the win his friends are planning.

"Go ahead without me. I'll have a quick bath and join you later."

He flicks a wave at them as he departs, but he doesn't head to the prefects' loo. No, he pulls out the map and looks for the younger Black. Regulus's name hovers around the showers, so James follows him—well, not inside, he's not a creep, thank you very much—and sets up camp in the corridor. Driven by the need to check on the younger boy, James paces in circles for about twenty minutes before admitting defeat. Somehow, Regulus has slipped right under his watch and disappeared into the castle.

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