it's wednesday (and this is a lot) Part 1/2

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James swallows around the lump in his throat, then bites the inside of his cheek. "But if it isn't personal, then why do I feel like this?" He asks, bringing his hand up and scrubbing it over his face. "I don't like it. I'm happy for him, yeah, but why do I feel so sick?" He asks, feeling the lump grow as his eyes start to water. "I don't – I don't know. This is stupid, forget it –"

"You know, I won't forget it, actually," Remus hums, turning. "I could forget it, I probably should because you asked me to, but I won't because I do not care about your thoughts regarding this matter. I have been trying to get you to pull your head out of your ass for years now, James, oh my god –"


or: james loves regulus, regulus loves james, they're just too stupid to realize it. featuring: james panicking, regulus thinking he isn't good enough, remus being the voice of reason, sirius shipping jegulus, and marlene being tired of gay people and their ridiculousness.


James hoists himself onto the counter in he and Regulus' shared flat, smiling at Regulus who is cooking something at the stove. James isn't sure what it is, but it smells fucking great and he's suddenly even more grateful that Regulus is his best friend than he already was.

"What's that?" James asks, craning his neck to look over Regulus' shoulder. He reaches out one hand, trying to dip his finger in the pot, but Regulus slaps his hand away quickly without another thought. " Ow ," he whines, scowling at the side of Regulus' head. "You fucking suck, I just want to taste it –"

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" Regulus asks flatly, flicking James' knee with his free hand. "You can have some when I'm done. But not a lot. I have a date and I'm bringing this on the date," he tells James, who blinks rapidly in shock at the sound of the I have a date statement.

Because Regulus hasn't mentioned anything about going on a date . James frowns, his eyebrows furrowing. Regulus tells James everything . His stomach churns uncomfortably as he takes a deep breath, pushing the stomach bile that threatens to crawl its way up his throat right back where it came from.

"I didn't know you had a date today," James says, pursing his lips as the jealousy burns in his chest. "And yes I have somewhere to be. Remus and I are going to the mall to shop for some makeup for Sirius, and I wanted to pick up this palette that I'd been eyeing for a while. It has so much glitter, Reg, it's so pretty," he explains, his hands flailing excitedly.

James watches Regulus' lips quirk up into a smile before glancing at James, and his stomach flips at the sight. "Is it the Huda Beauty one? I knew you'd chatted with Dorcas about it. She has that one, right? It is very pretty," he agrees, and James makes a pleased noise in the back of his throat at the sound of Regulus' words.

Regulus really listens to James. Like, genuinely listens to James. It makes James feel a bit, well, warm inside. While James' friends listen to him and know the things he likes and they make an effort to understand them, he doesn't think he's ever had a friend remember exactly what palettes he had his eye on. It makes him feel so special .

"Aw, Reggie," James giggles a little bit, kicking his feet back and forth so his heels hit the cabinet. "You love me. You remembered which palette I wanted, you love me," James says, dragging the word love out as much as possible until Regulus turns his head toward James with his eyes narrowed into slits.

"You know what else I love, James?" Regulus asks.

James hums. "What's that, Regulus?"

Regulus turns his body toward James with a tight smile. "When you are quiet ," he says, and James giggles even more at that. Regulus' face doesn't stay flat for long, though, because as James' giggles increase his smile gets wider until he's breaking out into a fit of laughter himself. " God , you're so annoying."

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