For Now You Love Me (Part 2/5)

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It was the second most awkward train ride to Hogwarts James had ever experienced, if he wanted to count sixth year and the pants incident in Potions. But really he didn't want to think of that ever, so he'd rather just go with most awkward.

He and Regulus were near the window, his arm loosely round the younger Black. Sirius and Remus sat across from them, Remus looking befuddled, Sirius looking mutinous. There were a pile of sweets between their feet, and a game of snap which never got started. Both Peter and Lily sat near the door, Peter looking the most confused of all of them, and Lily on the edge of her seat like she was unsure whether or not she should be present for any of this.

James hadn't dared look at Regulus just yet.

"Well," Lily said, breaking the strained silence, "congratulations you two."

James' face instantly went soft as he beamed at her. She truly was a good person, and he did love her. "Thanks, Lils. I..."

"Don't congratulate him," Sirius interrupted, leaning forward in his seat. James could see Remus hook fingers into Sirius' robes, holding him back. "It's obvious they're lying."

Lily's brows rose. "Is it?"

If James had thought the silence had been thick before, it was nothing compared to how it was now. He glanced at Peter who'd made a sort of aborted noise, then said, "You...think Prongs and Regulus were...going to happen?"

Lily shrugged. "Well, I makes sense."

"How the bloody hell," Sirius demanded through clenched teeth, "does it make sense?"

Lily sat back, a tiny smile playing at her lips and James wasn't sure if she was taking the piss now, or if she meant it. If it was the former, he was realising they'd missed out on having another clever mind added to years' of potentially wasted pranks.

"I mean, he's not going to fall in love with you," she said to Sirius.

"Rude," he shot back.

Lily shrugged. "And Regulus plays Quidditch which should have been your first clue."

At that, James felt his cheeks heat up, and he didn't miss the faint rise of colour in Regulus' cheeks. "Oh come on, I'm not..."

"Apart from me," Lily challenged, "who have you dated or at the very least had a couple of dark corridor snogs with who wasn't on a house team?"

Well...she had him there. "Yeah, but I's not a requirement," James finished lamely.

She snorted. "Sure, Potter. But Regulus is also clever, and nice when he wants to be, but not too nice. Gives better than he gets if he can be bothered. Not bad looking, either."

James watched Regulus' face turn pinker and pinker, and he thought maybe if it weren't for the iron grip he had on the Slytherin, he might have run away. Instead he was forced to endure the scrutiny and attention he hated so much. But...well. It was Regulus' choice. He was the one who insisted.

"See," James said after a moment. "It's obvious, and if you'd take your face away from Moony's face long enough to notice other people..."

"Is that what this is?" Sirius drawled, crossing his arms as he flung himself back, nearly knocking Remus in the chest with his elbow. "You're cross because I haven't been paying you enough attention? So you want to fake snog my brother..."

"Not everything is about you," James said with a huff. "He and I are interested in each other." When Sirius' expression remained unmoving, full of challenge, James said, "We can make a bet on it. Anything you like."

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