House Colours

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James and Regulus have done a very good job at keeping their relationship a secret from everyone else. But when Remus catches them together after a Quidditch match, they realize it's time to tell Sirius, and they have just the way to do it.


James was getting used to waking up in the wrong dorm.

It wasn't a habit, of any sort. There were a few nights in sixth year, waking up next to Lily in one of their beds, sneaking about in the early hours of the morning in hopes of not being seen. After they'd broken up, there were a couple of others, but no one with any kind of regularity.

No one, of course, until Regulus Black. Regulus, who had the same eyes as his brother, but deeper. Who had the same long hair, but softer. Who had a deep-rooted hatred for James, which only made him all the more endearing. Who was a better Quidditch player than he was (though James would never admit it) and never let him forget it. Who got drunk on Firewhiskey and kissed him on the last day of James' sixth year, then didn't send a letter all summer. Who just stood there as James yelled at him for ruining his summer because all he could think about was that damn kiss, and eventually kissed him again just to shut him up.

So yes, James Potter would wake up in Regulus Black's bed. He tried not to make a habit of it; there were so many times he would believeably "crash in the library while studying," or even "hook up with the pretty Ravenclaw girl, you know the one, with the brown eyes." But Merlin, was it all worth it.

"Morning." Regulus had a lower voice in the mornings than he did the rest of the day, something James never would have thought but was certainly glad he'd found out. He also slept in black sweatpants embroidered with the Black family crest, and his shampoo smelled like eucalyptus. His hands were softer than they looked, with a permanent bruise on his finger because of how he held his quill, fingers that were always interlocked with James' when he woke up.

"Morning," James echoed, running his free hand through Regulus' hair. His head settled with a comfortable weight on James' chest, like it was meant to lie there. "Good sleep?"

"Mhm." Regulus shifted, stretching his arms and torso before looking up at his boyfriend. They spoke in hushed tones, trying not to wake any of the other boys in the Slytherin dorm. Not that they didn't already know. "You didn't have to come if you were studying."

"I know. I wanted to."

"But McGonagall—"

"—doesn't expect me to hand in my essay on time anyways," said James, stretching. "Are you really going to fight with me over something that happened last night? Are you telling me you didn't want me to come hold you until you fell asleep?"

"You fell asleep first, prick." Regulus gave James a playful glare, kissing him quickly on the cheek before getting out of bed.

James waited under the warmth of the covers as Regulus washed up in the bathroom, returning with his hair combed and button-up shirt tucked into trousers. He started searching for the other elements of his uniform, James tossing him his tie from the bedside table before disappearing into the bathroom as well. He'd have to make do with wearing yesterday's uniform.

Washed up and dressed, the two snuck out from the dormitory and into the Slytherin common room. There was a fourth-year girl asleep on the sofa, covered by a blanket clearly draped over her by someone else, open books scattered on the table beside her. The two boys shared a look of amusement on their way out.

"You ready for today?" James asked, wishing he could take his boyfriend's hand, but knowing the halls were too public.

"More than you are," said Regulus, grinning up at him. "You won't look so smug after the match."

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