Jealousy, Jealousy

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Regulus Black didn't get jealous but when it came to James Potter he could always make an exception.


Regulus Black didn't get jealous. Ever. He had nothing to be jealous of if he wanted something he got it, one of the only good things that came out of being the sole possible heir to the most Ancient and Noble house of Black.

However, there is always an exception and the one exception to Regulus Black's lack of jealous feelings was James Potter. The first time Regulus associated the feeling of jealousy and James Potter together was when his older brother, Sirius left for university. He had called Regulus only a handful of times that year and Regulus hadn't answered or called back after the second call because he didn't want to keep hearing about how great Sirius' new friend was and how he was being replaced by him. Regulus was jealous because James Potter was a better brother to Sirius than he had ever been. He didn't need to take punishments meant for James he didn't have to endure pain for James so why wouldn't he replace Regulus with him? Not that Regulus ever asked Sirius to do that for him he just wanted his brother to love him.

Things were worse at home for Regulus once Sirius had left for the year and then once again after the disastrous summer back home from uni when he decided to move in with the Potter's full-time. Regulus didn't blame him for leaving he just wished Sirius had taken him along even though he didn't know the Potter's anything was better than staying at home. That was the second time Regulus had felt jealousy concerning James Potter.

Regulus was now in his second year of university, and it had taken him the first half of his first year to realise he was at the same one as his brother. It was mainly because they studied different subjects and Sirius no longer lived on campus although he did often hang around his first-year hall's common area. They were split into four blocks of halls called Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin - where he lived and Gryffindor - where Sirius had lived.

He had originally felt unsure about sharing a flat with three people he didn't know but was very lucky that he ended up with the ones he did. They're all close friends, and along with one other friend who was in the Ravenclaw halls instead of Slytherin moved into their second-year house together. They had also decided to start a band together one drunken night, he was glad they hadn't gone with the original name suggestion. He was the only one that could remember and would not be telling the others. The next day very hungover Evan, Barty, Dorcas, Pandora and him headed to the music rooms which is when he saw Sirius for the first time. Sirius was walking out of an art room chatting to a tall blonde girl who Regulus didn't know at the time. But now knows is Marlene McKinnon who one of his Dorcas was hopelessly in love with not that Marlene knows that.

They worked well together as a band Evan and Barty played bass and guitar respectively, Pandora played the keyboard and Dorcas was their drummer leaving Regulus to be the one to sing and occasionally play the keyboard when it was needed. They had decided to call themselves the Little King and the Stars or the L.K.S for short, Regulus still liked to point out how ridiculous the name was, but it was much better than the original which he still wouldn't share with them.

They did well quickly they became popular for covering songs and would play any event offered to them. University organised function? yep, Party in a common area? absolutely, a local pub? of course the only time they had turned down a gig was when it clashed with something, and the one-time Sirius had tried to hire them to play his friend's 20th birthday. Regulus was saving everyone from the awkward encounter.

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