Somethin' Stupid (like, "I love you")

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"Then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you"

James leans forward and leaves a small kiss on the corner of Regulus's lips. "I can't think of you and myself apart. You and I are the same to me."

"You're hopeless, James Potter."

"Only when it comes to you, Regulus Black."

(After Regulus breaks up with James because of misunderstanding, Lily shows up to save the day and James ends up declaring his undying love to his best friend's brother in front of the entire school by singing a muggle romantic song.)


"We need to break up. I can't do this anymore."

That is definitely not what James expected to hear when he got to the astronomy tower.

He expected Regulus to offer him that soft, warm and shy smile of his - the one that's so full of love; the one only James is lucky enough to see (okay, maybe Barty was also lucky a few years ago, but that's a history now and it's not important; Barty didn't appreciate it and didn't love it as much as James does). He expected Regulus to give him some sly remark before throwing his arms around James' neck and pulling him into a kiss that always left him wanting - needing - more.

But none of that happens.

James stands in front of Regulus who simply stares at him with a cold, cold and empty expression on his face and it sends shivers down James' spine. He hasn't seen that expression on the boy's face for a while now.

When he opened the door of his house a year ago and saw fifteen years old Regulus outside on his doorstep, drenched in rain with bloodshot eyes and bruises on his face, whispering apologies with shaky voice and that he didn't know where else to go, James made a promise (to himself, to Sirius and to Regulus - even if the latter still doesn't know it) that he would not allow Regulus to have that look on his face ever again.

The look which indicated that Regulus wasn't allowing himself to feel any type of happiness because he had convinced himself that he didn't deserve to feel any.

But James sees it again and it makes him feel like someone had reached into his chest and ripped his heart out before tearing it into two. Seeing it while knowing how Regulus looks when he's happy just doubles the pain and James wants to fall down on his knees on the cold floor and weep .

But he doesn't.

James Potter never gives up on love; he never gives up on the people he loves and especially he never gives up on someone he's in love with and... well , okay, there's what happened with him and Lily but that was completely different situation - she rejected him three times two years ago and that was enough for James to respect her and back off, simply asking her if they could stay as friends and then never asking her out again because Euphemia and Fleamont Potters didn't raise him to be a harasser prick, thank you very much. A while after that, Lily figured some stuff of her own out and came out to her very close friends and James could never, ever be more proud of her.

Anyways, the point is, James Potter does know how to respect people, of course he does, but he also knows never to give up on people he loves.

And that's the thing - he's truly, madly, deeply in love with Regulus and he knows him; he knows that Regulus feels the same way about him, he has made it clear a lot of times. That's exactly why James finds it very hard to believe that Regulus woke up this morning and suddenly decided that he and James should break up.

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