summer's in the air and baby, heaven's in your eyes

654 22 12

Falling in love with his bodyguard was Regulus' first mistake. His second? Believing that James would ever let him go.

Or, the one where James crashes Regulus' wedding, champagne is used inappropriately, and Remus regrets offering to drive the getaway car.

(TW: SMUT!  You can skip that part if you like)


The Lord Chamberlain is commanded by
The Queen to invite

                                                                         MISTER SIRIUS O. BLACK
                                                                         MISTER REMUS J. LUPIN

 to the Marriage of

His Royal Highness Prince Regulus of Wales,
The Lady Vivienne Price
at Westminster Abbey

on Sunday, 25th June, 2023 at 11:00 a.m.


James reads the invitation once.


A third and fourth time for good measure.

"Sirius!" he yells, glaring at the offensive stationary clutched tight in his hands. "Sirius, get down here!"

Footsteps on the stairs and then, "What the hell are you shouting like that for?"

James waves the invitation under his best friend's nose. "Is your brother getting married?"

"Didn't you know that?" Sirius frowns. "You're his bodyguard, not me."

"I was fired last week."

"Oh. Well. That changes things." Sirius takes the invitation from James' hand. "Huh. I didn't think it would be this soon."

James might vibrate right out of his skin with how charged he feels. "What do you mean 'this soon'?"

Sirius arches a brow. "Well, I knew they were supposed to get married. They've been betrothed since we were kids. I just didn't expect it to happen—well, now."

"It's on his birthday," James laments, slumping against the wall. "He's getting married on his fucking birthday."

"That isn't really something he gets to decide. I imagine my mother pushed the date up for a reason." Sirius turns the invitation over, reads the back, then sets it on the entryway table.

James closes his eyes. The world spins, his heartbeat erratic. "Why did you get an invite? I thought your parents hated and disowned you years ago."

Sirius snorts, sardonic. "This isn't from my parents. It's from Reggie. I'm sure he pulled some serious strings and weight to get this here." A brief, weighted pause. "Why did you get fired anyway? What the hell happened?"

Ah, that.

James smiles, small and sad. "We fell in love."

It started two years ago while on a diplomacy trip in Switzerland. Something routine, but as his bodyguard, James went everywhere with Regulus. It didn't matter where or when or why—if Regulus went, so did James. For a while he managed to fool himself into thinking it was part of the job, but eventually he knew it was more than that. There were plenty of places Regulus went that didn't require James to be there; someone else could have gone with him. Even the trip to Switzerland didn't require James' presence.

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