talk to me in French

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James wants Regulus to talk to him in French. Regulus does.

Or; Regulus chooses to confess to James in French.


"Talk to me in French"

It was a Sunday afternoon, in the library. Regulus was sitting at a table, writing his potion essay due next week, with the one and only James Potter. They've been growing closer to each other over the past few months. James would seek Regulus' presence and Regulus would let him hang around. Unlike his initial impression James's company was not as unpleasant as he thought it would be. He was funny to be around and was capable of being serious when necessary. Regulus would never say it to anyone, but he liked being around James. Everything seemed easy when he was by his side.

They'd been studying for half an hour when James began moving. It was the thing with James, he could not stay still for more than an hour at most. He first started shaking his legs, then he dropped his quill a few times and then started sighing more. And then, he asked Regulus if he could talk in French.


"Talk to me in French," James repeated.

Regulus stopped writing on his parchment and shifted to face James. He tilted his head, curious.

"What do you want me to say?"

"I don't know, you could teach me some words or you could just talk and I would listen to you. I love listening to you !"

James was looking Regulus straight in the eyes with a huge smile on his face. And oh, how Regulus loved this smile. It could light up the darkest room. It was blinding, just like looking at the sun was. But Regulus could not take his eyes off of it.

Regulus thought a little about what he could say to James if he could teach him something. Growing up bilingual, he always was exposed to this kind of question and it was always embarrassing to him. He usually ended up insulting people without them knowing. But not James. With James, it was different. So Regulus thought. He thought about what he could tell his friend. And the only solution his brain came up with was telling him things he would not dare tell anyone, not even his closest friends. The probability of someone hearing their conversation and understanding it was so low that Regulus felt like it was a good idea.

"Tu sais quoi, je vais me servir de ce moment pour te dire des choses que j'oserais jamais dire en temps normal." (You know what, I'm going to use this moment to tell you things I wouldn't normally say.)

James' smile grew even more and if he really was the sun, Regulus would have ended up blind. "or maybe I already am...".

"What does it mean ?"

Regulus just smiled and kept going.

"Tu sais au début je te détestais pas vraiment. Au contraire, je t'ai beaucoup admiré. Toi et mon adelphe, vous étiez comme des modèles pour moi. En y réfléchissant bien, je t'ai jamais réellement détesté. J'étais juste jaloux. De toi, de ta relation avec Sirius, parce que je pensais que tu allais me remplacer à ses yeux. Quand iel est parti, j'y ai vraiment cru, tu sais ? Que tout allait changer, que Sirius et moi ne serions plus jamais comme avant. Puis vous êtes venu me chercher." (You know, at first, I didn't really hate you. Quite the opposite actually, I admired you very much. You and my sibling were like role models for me. On second thought, I never really hated you. I was just jealous. About you, about your relationship with Sirius, because I thought you were going to replace me in their life. When they left, I really believed it, you know? That everything would change, that Sirius and I would never be the same again. Then you came looking for me.)

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