the love of a brother

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When the professors at Hogwarts decide to roll in a new assignment for the prefects, Regulus is tasked with writing an essay on an impossible topic. Some have to write about their pets, others have to discuss their favourite book. Instead of something simple, he has to write about the person who raised him. Oh, and then he has to present his essay to the whole school.

Regulus doesn’t know how he’ll find a single positive thing to say about his parents. Walburga and Orion aren’t exactly the warm and fuzzy type. He’s quite sure he’s doomed, until a chance meeting with his brother brings forth a humbling realisation.

[Or, Regulus writes about the person who raised him, Sirius is trying his best and James is a good boyfriend]


When Slughorn requested all Slytherin prefects to go to Professor McGonagall’s office after dinner, Regulus wasn’t concerned. This wasn’t the first prefect meeting. There were usually a few throughout the year and as a sixth year, he was used to attending the boring meetings when McGonagall asked them about their rounds and if there were any incidents that they felt needed extra attention. Last year, a sixth year prefect from Hufflepuff loudly declared that she was sick of finding the showers rigged with different coloured dye. Remus Lupin, the sixth year Gryffindor prefect, looked perfectly innocent as he nodded along with her plight. This year was likely to be far more dull considering Potter and Evans were the Head Bot and Head Girl this year. Potter wouldn’t know subtlety if it whacked him with a beater’s bat.

At least Regulus would get a chance to ogle James Potter, the horribly fit bastard.

Regulus wound his arm around Pandora’s as they left for McGonagall’s office together. She wasn’t a Slytherin, but she was the Ravenclaw prefect for her year, so it made sense to go together. They arrived early, only a few fifth years were waiting outside McGonagall’s door, all looking shifty and nervous. Ah, to be so young and naïve. They probably thought this was a reprimand considering it was the first prefect meeting of the year (the one on the train hardly counted since no teachers were present).

They entered McGonagall’s office at her summons and waited on the chairs dotted around the room. Regulus sat with Pandora by his side and wondered how long this meeting would take. He had an Ancient Runes assignment to be doing.

As usual, Potter was the last one to enter, a broad smile on his handsome face and sweat beading on his dark brown skin. His round glasses were askew and a wrinkled stack of parchment was clutched in his hands. “My humblest apologies, Minnie! Found the rounds sheets you were looking for. Sorry about the mess. My dog chewed on them a bit.”

McGonagall stared at him imperiously, taking the parchments as if they were toxic. True to his word, large bite marks were pierced through the parchments as well as specks of dog slobber. He watched McGonagall sigh deeply before instructing him to sit. Potter dropped into the seat beside Regulus, sending him a wink. Regulus proceeded to sniff haughtily. Horrible, beautiful bastard.

“Now, while I’m sure you all have things you would much rather be doing, these meetings are mandatory,” she explained for the benefit of the fifth years, going on to mention that they were scheduled every three months and would be an opportunity for them to discuss problems openly with her, the deputy headmistress. “However,” she suddenly said after a few minutes of talking. “There is another reason you all have been summoned here this evening.”

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