Hash Brown, Egg Yolk, I will Always Love You

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Regulus hates sleeping, it had always came with negative things and issues on the side, that is, until he falls for James Potter, the guy that treats him like the most precious thing in the universe and constantly shows him the bright side of even the most terrible things, because of course he does.


Regulus Black had never been a person well acquainted with sleeping, for the majority of his life falling asleep had been quite a troubled event, such as staying in that state for what it matters, always waking up from paralysing nightmares or shouts from the next room. Needless to say, Regulus had always slept poorly.

For a good portion of his short life, sleeping was much of a battle, one could easily tell from his not so subtle eyebags or the way he would be so tired during some days he could barely function. Regulus was also very fond of staying up late willingly — sometimes his brain just wouldn't let him sleep, for what he knows, it was probably too scared of the things he would found when drifting off — but consciously choosing it also happened, finding some ephemeral version of peace, where everyone was asleep and there was only himself and the night sky to accompany him. So, taking it all in consideration, Regulus Black grew to really, really, despise sleeping, he still hated it, not for quite the same reasons anymore.

From leaving his parents house and making somewhat of a life for him, Regulus' brain decided that it was finally time to rest, and rest it did.

Regulus was always tired, always, he would go out with his friends and be the first to leave, never denying an afternoon nap, he would easily sleep in during most days and there was not a single alarm clock that could beat him to his sleep.

Falling in love with James Potter was disgustingly enough for a shift, all of sudden, Regulus would force himself to stay awake so he could get extra minutes at night with him, there were several alarms around his house set to make sure he would catch James somewhere before classes (much for Sirius' distress, living with his younger brother that for some reason had miraculously decided to start waking up early and doing so with the entire building altogether) and he would even jeopardise his sleeping schedule for a date or two.

It wasn't that bad, having a reason to stay awake, but it somehow just made his body crave it even more, and he hated it, he hated always falling asleep halfway through films with James or always dozing off whenever they cuddled, not matter for how short it was, it was like some sort of witchcraft that no matter the situation, touching James would take him into an instant state of sleep. He wasn't the biggest fan of it, clearly, because it also meant less time with James, and somewhere within his brain he wasn't sure about the permanence of it, he had never had happiness for much longer, so he wanted to indulge in every possible moment until it would inevitably slip through his fingers.

It took some time, but each day that went by, Regulus was starting to notice that maybe (really, just maybe) that might not happen. Maybe, if he was really lucky, James wouldn't leave without a reason, maybe he could actually have time with him, not having to worry about its end.

So thankfully, he started to sleep a bit less each day, almost enough to resemble a regular persons' schedule (unfortunately, still not quite there).

Not to say he made peace with sleeping, it was still mostly annoying and he would easily sleep in, but it was getting better, and that was something.

On that day in particular, Regulus was awakened by the sound of dishes clattering and beams of lights getting inside James' room, thanks to his painfully light curtains. He decided to ignore his senses until a hand was going up and down his spine, the touch ever so gentle and lips shortly after touching his shoulders.

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