For Now You Love Me (5/5)

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James was certain he'd be able to drag it out until the end of the quarter, maybe even the end of the year if Regulus would be game, if things would stay uncomplicated. Only things were never uncomplicated.

Walking into the dorm room after Quidditch, James didn't expect to find Sirius sat at the foot of Moony's bed, the curtains drawn shut, a spell humming quietly round them. There was a tension in the room that wasn't there when he'd left, and Peter was mysteriously missing.

With a small sigh, James lowered himself, crossing his legs and pushing close so his knees brushed against Sirius'. "What happened?"

Sirius didn't answer, but thrust a crumpled bit of parchment at James which smelt of owl post. He unfolded it, and though his eyes read over the writing, he was having trouble comprehending it. "What..."

"The Anti-Werewolf legislation passed, by a landslide," Sirius said, his voice hoarse, devoid of emotion. "Registration has become mandatory, and registered wolves are prohibited from holding any jobs in public service, public office, transport, or anything relating to the Ministry. They're to transform at pre-determined locations, and will not be covered under the Ministry health care."

James' hand were shaking before he realised it, curling into parchment, making it bow under his rage and sweat. "What..."

"I thought," Sirius said, and his voice broke, making him stop to clear his throat. "Moony said he'd be fine. Said he'd be fine, then he spelled himself behind his curtains and hasn't come out since. His status is still unknown, but it probably won't be long before someone figures it out. I mean, we're not that clever."

"We're clever enough," James said fiercely.

Sirius looked up, his dark eyes furious and terrified. "It'll be on me, you know. Because he won't be able to work. It'll take a month, maybe two, before anyone connects Moony's absences with the moon. So it'll be on me to do well, and I could have...I could have made it work, but I was such a stupid fucking prat, and had to go and piss off my parents and now I have nothing and what...what am I going to...what do I do?" Sirius' eyes were wide, full of tears, wild as his voice broke and a few tears slipped down his cheeks. "Prongs," he whispered.

James gathered him close, holding Sirius to his chest, kissing the top of his head. "It'll be fine. You've got us, you know. Me, Peter, Lils and Marls. Regulus, even..."

"Don't," Sirius bit. "Because you don't know him. He'll run off and tell my parents just to get back into their good graces and..."

"I know you don't believe me, but he won't. He's not...he's not like that, Pads. He hasn't been for so long." James squeezed his eyes shut and let his fingers brush through Sirius' hair. "I won't tell him, but he won't rat you out.'ve got me. You've got mum and dad and they'll do anything they can. Everything," James said.

Sirius pulled his head away. "I can't ask them to take us on like that. I won't. I'm not afraid to hold up the money side of things. I just need to get started, you know, and I'll...figure it out. I can sell my broom, sell whatever I have left from my bedroom and it'll be enough."

James said nothing, in spite of knowing his solution was sat under a bed, waiting for Sirius to take it. And he'd have to, in the end. Because he'd win it, and it was enough to set them up for a little while, and he'd feel less bad when he realised none of it had been charity. James had earnt it all, and half of it was from Regulus.

It wasn't going to make them millionaires, but it was enough that they'd be alright for meals and rent, and whatever else. Until Sirius could get started. And James wouldn't rob Sirius of his pride. And he wouldn't do it to Remus, either.

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