The Real You

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When Sirius tells his friends that he has a new prank against the Slytherins in mind, James is excited. The plan seems flawless: transform into four other students using Polyjuice, crash the party, and charm the bedrooms.

What James didn't plan was the chance to get to know a relaxed and unguarded Regulus Black. The chance to talk to him, dance with him and have fun with him for the first time.

The only problem? Regulus, because of the Polyjuice, has no idea he's James.



James jerked awake on the breakfast table in the Great Hall as Sirius Black's ringing voice broke his eardrum.

Remus was sitting in front of him, sipping on his coffee with a murderous glare. He was pointedly avoiding looking at the grinning Gryffindor who was now standing behind James.
Remus closed his eyes and sighed, then he proceeded to poke Peter with a fork. He gave up when the other boy didn't give a sign of life and continued sleeping unperturbed, his right cheek on the table and a hand in his scrambled eggs.

"Tell us in ten minutes Pads, yeah?" muttered James closing his eyes, his chin resting on his hand again. Sirius dropped on the bench with not much grace, pushing away some notes Mary was furiously writing on, probably the Potions essay due half an hour later. She glared at him, but eventually took them away from their space.

"No, now."

"My personal headache," Remus said under his breath.

"I heard you."

"Good, maybe you'll shut up."

"Lovely, Moony. Thank you. Why is everyone so grumpy today?"

"Remus kicked me out of my bed, this morning." Peter's muffled voice came from under his arms. He jerked when Remus' fork poked him with much more force than the first time.

"Prongs, wake up. What is it with you anyway? You're never tired in the morning."

"If you and Pete hadn't kept me up until three for your stupid Chess League bets, my perfect routine wouldn't be fucked," answered James, opening his eyes and grabbing a glass of orange juice. He was now awake anyway.

Sirius dismissed him with a wave of his hand. Peter grumbled that it would absolutely never, ever, happen again.

"You are distracting me. Do you know what day it is?" asked Sirius, excitedly.

James shrugged. "Wednesday?"

"Yes, but I mean, what is happening today?"

Remus gave them a flat look. "Today is Tuesday."

James ignored him. "First Quidditch match of the season?" he asked, grinning. Now, that was something that grabbed his attention.

Sirius slammed a hand on the table, receiving another scowl, this time from Lily. "The first Quidditch match of the season, Lads!"

"Why is that so exciting?" asked Peter, frowning. "Gryffindor is not even playing."

"Because, dear Pete, the Slytherins are playing. And that is all I need for our next prank, which will take place this evening at their post match party." He smiled, viciously.

"What do you have in mind?" James bounced on the bench. They hadn't got the chance to pull a big prank that year yet, since it was only the beginning of November. Small ones around the start of the semester and then one on Snape and Nott during potions, but the last time they had pranked the whole Slytherin house had been at the end of their fifth year, before the summer holidays.

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